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Building Confidence In Your Child

Whether someone is wishing to have their child begin a basic program geared at introducing them to exercise or taking them to that championship game, Pure Motivation Fitness is dedicated to bringing out the best in each child.

Serving Vaughan & Richmond Hill families, our kids club has various programs designed for children between the ages of 6-12 that meet the needs of each individual child and those of their parents. Our certified staff will create a structured, age-appropriate, weekly program which will incorporate:

  • Functional Training Exercises
  • Various sports exercises
  • Bodyweight -Calisthenic Exercises
  • Speed, Plyometrics & Agility Drills
  • Balance & Coordination skills
  • Bosu & Stability Ball training
  • Various martial arts
  • -Mobility and Flexibility Training

Not your regular ‘Kids Fitness’

Our kid’s club programs can help your child increase their natural and age appropriate strength levels, assist in their fine and gross motor proficiency, agility, and motor skills.

Education in proper nutrition is stressed whether children are at home or at school. We also have many customized sports specific programs that are designed to give your children the edge that they need to excel in their individual or team sport.

PMF Kids Club To The Rescue

  • The kids club is a fun, non-intimidating, non-competitive fitness program utilizing PMF’s Somatotype training philosophy combining Functional strength, Body weight (Calisthenic) and cardiovascular-based exercises in structured, supervised formats.
  • Kid’s club is designed to allow each child to reach his/her optimum fitness level and encourages fitness for life in a safe and enjoyable way.
  • Kid’s club does not use any machines or heavy free weights but involves cardiovascular endurance exercises, manual resistance and plyometric training principles which accommodate the fitness level of each child. We practice safe exercise that does not cause muscle soreness and is safe on joints and growing bones.
  • Kids Club teaches children program design: Including how to perform advanced dynamic mobility warm-up, how to strengthen the spine (lower, middle, upper) & the 8 Functional movement planes
  • Burns up to 500 calories

Children are Overweight

Percentage of Children that Watch More Than 3 Hours of TV/Day

Children Don’t Get Any Daily Physical Activity

Kids Eat Fast Food Every Day

Top 10 Reasons Your Kids Need Kids Club Excercise

  • Kids who exercise are more likely to become more disciplined & keep exercising as adults
  • Kids who exercise have greater self-esteem and a better self-image vs. those who don’t
  • Participating in regular physical activity prevents or delays development of many chronic cardiovascular diseases (eg. Heart disease , diabetes, obesity , and hypertension) and promotes health
  • Quantity and quality of sleep for children is increased & improved with exercise
  • Research shows that exercise promotes improved school attendance, brain cognition & enhances academic performance
  • Exercise assists in the growth & development of important interpersonal skills – this is especially true for participation in team sports & future team
  • Exercise helps kids achieve and maintain a healthy body weight & bodyfat %
  • Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong, healthy muscles, bones and joints
  • Exercise produces the hormone Dopanine which is the body’s natural reward system/trigger. Children who are active report fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and a report better overall mood
  • Frequent and repetitive exercise improves Fine & gross motor coordination and enhances the development of various motor performance skills
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Kids Training With PMF
Kids Training With Pure Motivation
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