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About Nigel D.

Nigel has had a passion for exercise from a young age. He played a multitude of sports from his early childhood including playing rep hockey and lacrosse for numerous years. He has always loved being on a team and competing. Nigel was first exposed to exercise training during his high school years. He learned training in the summer was essential to success in sport performance. Aside from becoming a better athlete, Nigel loved working out with others due to the camaraderie and the amazing atmosphere of a gym.

Nigel’s first experience as a fitness coach began in high school. After going through his own team training, Nigel would volunteer to assist younger sport teams in their training. He found coaching extremely rewarding as he got to work with young, inspired athletes who also loved to exercise and improve. Those experiences helped shape Nigel as a coach and influenced him to pursue training and coaching in the future.

Nigel recently graduated from the University of Guelph Humber. He received an Honours degree in Kinesiology and a diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion. Along his undergraduate degree, he did a co-op semester here at Pure Motivation Fitness. Although it was a shorter experience then expected (due to the Covid-19 pandemic), Nigel discovered PMF was a great place to learn, train and thrive. Nigel is excited to be back at PMF, and is eager to share his kin knowledge with clients, and continue to learn and improve from fellow coaches and athletes.

My Strengths

Strength Training


Sport-specific Training


Functional Training


Weight Loss



  • Honors Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology with Distinction – University of Guelph
  • Fitness and Health Promotion Diploma – Humber College
  • DTS Lev 1 By Kevin Darby
  • Standard First Aid and CPR
Nigel Action Shots For Pure Motivation Fitness

Meet Coach Nigel D.

What do you say to the person who’s afraid to begin exercising?
No one has ever regretted doing exercise. Even doing the littlest bit of exercise will make you better off than had you not done any at all. There is no better time to start than now!

Favorite Exercise?
Front squat.

Least Favorite Exercise?

What do you do when you’re not whipping people into shape?
Play my guitar, play sports with friends, and spend time with my dog and family.

Who do you look up to & why?
My Parents. They have always been the hardest working people I know. They made endless sacrifices to give me the best opportunity to flourish and I am so grateful for that.

Guilty Indulgence?
Ice Cream

If you were a superhero who would it be & why?
Probably Batman. He saved Gotham city and had an awesome car.

Your secret to success?
Try to be 1% better each day. Daily victories lead to large success and allows you to enjoy the process of learning and thriving.

It’s not the size of a dog in a fight, it`s the size of the fight in a dog.

Adam Matwiejczuk