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About Mitchell R.

Mitchell grew up in a family surrounded by sports. He always loved challenging himself with new sports but always found his way back to hockey. Through his youth, Mitchell played both A and AAA levels of hockey before playing Junior hockey in the Ottawa area. He quickly escalated through the ranks as a hockey Referee also, where he was submitted by superiors to the OHL Gold Cup and scouted to partake in the NHL Exposure Combine. Mitchell has Nine years of personal training experience, as well as his Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa. Mitchell now continues to play hockey as often as he can in various men’s leagues year-round. His love for the game and his passion for helping people reach their goals is what inspires him every day.

Mitchell has a strong belief that the gym can be for anyone, but he also believes we are all unique individuals. Applying the same techniques to each person as a blanket strategy is lazy and instead, he wants to know what makes someone tick. Getting to know someone on a personal level can help him help you. Mitchell believes that we all have another level to reach and he wants to help you reach the best version of yourself.

Through his years, Mitchell has accumulated a well-rounded background getting all types of people results. He has a strong specialty working with athletes former or current, partially to do with his background but mainly with his previous roles in high performance gyms. He is not unfamiliar to working with older population, young kids, the quote on quote “Regular Joe” and everything in between. Mixing his experience with his schooling and courses knowledge, Mitchell has faith he can give you the results you’re looking for!

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My Strengths

Sport Specific Training


Metabolic Conditioning


Mobility and Flexibility


Functional Training



  • Honours Bachelor of Human Kinetics – University of Ottawa
  • I.S.S.A Certified Personal trainer
  • St. John Ambulance CPR and First Aid Certified

More About Mitchell

  • What does being a fitness coach mean to you?
    It means being the best version of myself to lead people to do the same
  • At PURE Motivation Fitness we believe… and you finish it off
    That the best way to predict your future is to CREATE it
  • Why should you want to train with me?…
    Your success is my success. Plus, I tell a solid “Dad Joke”
  • Being part of team PURE motivation fitness to me means?…
    Exactly that, having a well-oiled machine of a team working in unison. We can’t make it through life alone


What do you say to the person who’s afraid to begin exercising?
The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it. Once you start doing it regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it. All that to say is just get your feet wet, the right gym has an environment and mentality of growth compared to judgment

Favorite Exercise?
Single-Leg Deadlift or Seated Shoulder Press

Least Favorite Exercise?
Bulgarian Split Squats – so good but so bad

What do you do when you’re not whipping people into shape?
Time spent with my Family, and Hockey. Playing hockey, watching hockey, fantasy hockey you name it.

Who do you look up to & why?
My parents, the hardships they endured and pushed through while keeping our family together is nothing but inspirational.

Guilty Indulgence?
The blue bag of Miss Vickies chips, can’t just stop with one handful.

If you were a superhero who would it be & why?
Spider-Man. He’s always looking out for the little guy and stays true to himself.

Your secret to success?
Surrounding myself with people sharing a similar mindset, your environment shapes your outcomes. Whatever life gives you, give more back!

It’s not the size of a dog in a fight, it`s the size of the fight in a dog.

Adam Matwiejczuk