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Secrets to Fitness Success For 50 59 Year Old Tradespeople Part 5 of 5

Secrets To Success In Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Of 60-69 Year Old Tradespeople (Part 5 Of 5)

By Podcast
Secrets to Fitness Success For 50 59 Year Old Tradespeople Part 5 of 5

Part Five –60–79-year-olds. #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas Our last show of this series and Dimitri gets right into it. Yes, you still need to be active, but at these ages you need to be careful on the level of active. At this age there are a lot of failing body parts and putting too much stress on joints can create bigger problems, especially since older people don’t heal as quickly. Functional strength is what you are after at this age, learning to improve your mobility from everyday movements, getting up from the floor, lifting from a chair, twisting, and all of this stems from pain.

Spinal Hygiene Exercises – A T W Y that Dimitri has discussed on each of these shows. Working with a The TRX System, also known as Total Resistance Exercises, refers to a specialized form of suspension training that utilizes equipment developed by former U.S. Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. We discuss as one gets older getting to an extreme overweight is dangerous and it should always begin with a full assessment, the data, from there the proper coach can learn the best course of action to achieve their goals. Diet is critical, if you haven’t built up your life with proper healthy details from your 40’s to your 50’s to your 60’s your body isn’t thermo genetically active, it takes your body at that age longer to process the foods. Anyone that is overweight means no carbs for breakfast, it’s like overfilling a half glass of water. Eating carbs for breakfast will only store it and convert it into sugar and it becomes more fat. As for lunch, it’s the same at any age, protein, carb, and fat. For dinner, eliminate the carb and focus on the protein and a little bit of fat. Exercise, Dimitri can tell what you have been doing for decades simply by looking at your side profile, no ass and hamstrings, means weakness in the lower back, means you have not been doing any lower body movements and that needs to change, you will require those two key areas for mobility. The conversation of mental health comes up, at that age mental health is important. Training will help; the injection of dopamine will help. Depression kicks in when people are not happy. Dimitri’s coach would always say, Growth or Decay, which one are you? Reach out to Dimitri and consider getting a coach to help you live a healthy longer life. Mind Set, Nutrition, Training, and Trouble Shooting. Check out his app on Apple and Android Shared and Discussed Linkshttps://www.trxtraining.comWhat an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life. Want to reach out to Manny, text him on his mobile, 416 433-5737 and or email him at [email protected] or [email protected] Please let him know who you are and then ask away.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Secrets to Fitness Success For 50 59 Year Old Tradespeople Part 4 of 5

Secrets To Success In Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Of 50-59 Year Old Tradespeople (Part 4 Of 5)

By Podcast
Secrets to Fitness Success For 50 59 Year Old Tradespeople Part 4 of 5

Part Four –50–59-year-olds. #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas This show begins with life stresses, as you get older, you have challenging moments in life, a divorce, separation, loss of a parent or parents, loss of employment and how this can affect your health, mentally and physically. At 50 you need to ask yourself are you doing this for your kids or yourself? Yes, you need to be a role model for your children, but you also have to be selfish, I am 50 now, I want to live a high-quality life for the next 30 plus years, that requires discipline and work. Heart Health, stress contributes to bad heart health, I’ve got all these things happening, life, do I get drinking, taking up vices and hurting myself and others or do I jump into exercise, but where do I begin?

It all begins with data, your foundation, where are you at right now? Actual work, begin with Calisthenics, that will allow your body to build, adapt, and grow, again, calisthenics are exercises that use your own body weight. Dimitri discusses proportions, he wants the 50’s to work the back more than the front, 60/40 split and it’s because the world is designed for the back, pull and push actions throughout our day. Adaptation is a beautiful thing for the human body. Take a human without fuel and make it work out, it will have to adapt, and you want the body to adapt and in your older year’s adaptation can become negative, where they wake up and start the day incorrectly, have a cigarette, coffee, donut, that is all adaptation. In your 50’s it’s a wakeup call, you can decide to wake up and live life to the fullest or you can give up and accept this is my life, no matter what, it falls on you to make that decision. Will you conform to life, or will you transform? Dimitri feels the fear at 50 is more detrimental than when you were in your 20’s. In your 20’s, your 30’s, you can make those mistakes, you can have those failures, take your 40’s to fix things and carry on. But in your 50’s it’s easy to have that mindset, I’m old, I can’t do it, my life is ok, I’m fine. Your 50’s doesn’t have to be that way. Move 3X per week for 45 mins, walk the dog, swim, exercise, you have to meal prep Sundays and Wednesdays, and you must journal, make 10 mins of your life belong to you, reflect on you and your life, every day by yourself. You will do this for 90 days and we promise you, your life will change, and you will see weight loss, you will feel better, move better, be a better human being. We wrap up this show discussing breathing, look into 3B Breathing, Brace Before your Breath. Check out his app on Apple and Android What an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life. TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry. Reach out to Joe and Trevor at the following info. www.venturesxcanada.ca find them on Social Media @venturesxoakville reach them at 289 644-2393 and email [email protected]

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Secrets To Success In Health Fitness Nutrition Lifestyle Of 40 49 Year Old Tradespeople Part 3 Of 5

Secrets To Success In Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Of 40-49 Year Old Tradespeople (Part 3 Of 5)

By Podcast
Secrets To Success In Health Fitness Nutrition Lifestyle Of 40 49 Year Old Tradespeople Part 3 Of 5

Part Three –40–49-year-olds. #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas We begin with mindset, because everything begins with mindset, if you wake up in the morning and the life, your body, your work, you have, isn’t what you want, your mindset will dictate how the rest of the day, that week, that month, that year turns out. In your 40’s your margin for error is smaller and smaller, you can’t continue with the bad habits, those habits will catch up to you and will make your life even more difficult down the line. Sit down and write out what is great about your life and write down what is terrible about your life, be honest, be brutally honest and write it down on paper, that connection to paper will connect your mind to the truth about you. The truth is most people jump into a healthy lifestyle without a plan, they just start and 30 days later they stop, it’s even worse in your 40’s. They just don’t K N O W what and how to do it. They need data about their bodies, they need to know where they are, what their body is telling them, then with that data they can come up with a plan and handle a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their life. The words “I know” are the negative words in your life, the moment you tell yourself I know you brain shuts off and doesn’t want think. Use words like, I will, I am, I shall, I’ll try, these will help you learn and move forward. Training in your 40’s you have to consider mobility, foam rolling, relaxation, lacrosse ball, stretching, yoga, because your body is older, your joints are older, your muscles are weaker and smaller, you have to slowly ramp up as you get back in or continue to train.

A good coach will design a program for you based on body type, based on age, and based on muscular dysfunction, most people are afraid of doing any muscle training with the concern of bulking up, in your 40’s you have to really train to bulk up. This issue is this age group focusses on so much cardio, which is great, but they also need the muscle training. Dimitri dives deep into the eating and foods, portions, all kinds of great tips here. Leads us to MHG – Medical History Goals coaches need to know what prescriptions and health issues you are currently on, extremely important to share this information with all coaches. Check out his app on Apple and Android What an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life. Want to reach out to Manny, text him on his mobile, 416 433-5737 and or email him at [email protected] or [email protected] Please let him know who you are and then ask away. TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry. Reach out to Joe and Trevor at the following info. www.venturesxcanada.ca find them on Social Media @venturesxoakville reach them at 289 644-2393 and email [email protected]

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Secrets to Fitness Success For 30 39 Year Old Tradespeople Part 2 of 5

Secrets To Success In Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Of 30-39 Year Old Tradespeople (Part 2 Of 5)

By Podcast
Secrets to Fitness Success For 30 39 Year Old Tradespeople Part 2 of 5

Part Two –30–39-year-olds #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas It all begins with weight, the scale, is the old way of tracking your gains and losses, it’s truly about body composition, a reflection of tissues in relation to each other, fat and lean muscle tissue. In your 30’s your body begins to change, add life, marriage, kids, work, stress and watch your fitness drop and be pushed to the end of the line, worst thing to do. Food, find out what your body needs in nutrition, for example, Dimitri needs 1.5 grams of protein per his weight, multiply that 1.5 by your weight at 195 pounds and that’s 292 grams of protein per day with his training routine. It’s simple, you eat more than you burn, you gain weight. Opening a business is harder than tracking and training your body for life. Adaptation of the body is a normal process, as you train and reach your goals, your body will get smarter resulting in what got you to lose those first 20 pounds will not work trying to lose those next 20 pounds, you must shock the body to reach those new goals.

The biggest killer in North American is metabolic syndrome, a cluster of abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and high triglycerides. Avoid all of these and you will live a happy, healthy, quality life. If you don’t exercise, it will affect your sex drive, that is a fact, it will affect your testosterone levels, stress will contribute to lower libido. Alcohol increases in your 30’s because you want to celebrate life’s milestones and most men turn to beer and beer is the worst of the bunch. It’s not about what the scale says, not about the weight you are today, it’s about Resting Heart Rate. Calculate your RHR by counting your beats per minute, subtract 70 which is the average, multiply that figure by 60 minutes in an hour, multiply that number by 24 hours in the day and you get your total beats per day, that is how many EXTRA heart beats per day, EXTRA work your heart has to work, these EXTRAS lead to health issues down the road.Check out his app on Apple and AndroidWhat an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you.Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life.Want to reach out to Manny, text him on his mobile, 416 433-5737 and or email him at [email protected] or [email protected] Please let him know who you are and then ask away. TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry.Reach out to Joe and Trevor at the following info. www.venturesxcanada.ca find them on Social Media @venturesxoakville reach them at 289 644-2393 and email [email protected]

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Secrets to Fitness Success For 20 29 Year Old Tradespeople Part 1 of 5 3rd Version

Secrets To Success In Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Of 20-29 Year Old Tradespeople (Part 1 Of 5)

By Podcast
Secrets to Fitness Success For 20 29 Year Old Tradespeople Part 1 of 5 3rd Version

Dimitri and Manny had this crazy idea, let’s do shows about health, fitness, nutrition and let’s warp up the conversations around age groups. Part One –20–29-year-olds. #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas Listen to these packed 1-hour shows discussing so much about living a happy, healthier life. Let’s begin, the conversation begins with finding a mentor, your circle of friends and your family will determine what kind of person you become for the rest of your life. Of course, we discuss the 20 somethings digital mind set on food, ordering food, not eating healthy and it all stems from lack of knowledge that most 20’s don’t even know protein, carbs and fats. A lot of people live in reactive states, they use the excuse they don’t have enough time to meal prep, they don’t have enough time to exercise, they use excuses. With this age group they have so many resources for information but along with that comes so much misinformation. Dimitri breaks down the body types and the key exercises and actions each body type should focus on. Dimitri shares the EPOC system, Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption. Dimitri discusses food and what 20-year old’s should be eating and what they should be staying away from. Getting into and sticking with exercise and meal plans has always fall to your “why” honestly ask yourself why do you want this? That will lead to your goals and if you understand the mindset the why and the goals are easy and achievable. The 3 A’s of accountability, you need to Acknowledge can you do this by yourself? You need to Advance, what’s my next step? You need to take Action. Most people don’t do this. Shared and Discussed.

Linkshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25344.Get_Out_of_My_Life_but_First_Could_You_Drive_Me_Cheryl_to_the_Mall_Check out his app on Apple and Android What an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind, and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankoulas and contact him for your next exercise booking at [email protected] and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life. Want to reach out to Manny, text him on his mobile, 416 433-5737 and or email him at [email protected] or [email protected] Please let him know who you are and then ask away. TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry. Reach out to Joe and Trevor at the following info. www.venturesxcanada.ca find them on Social Media @venturesxoakville reach them at 289 644-2393 and email [email protected]

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

How To Balance Family Fitness Pure Motivation Fitness

How To Balance Family & Fitness 5-6x p/wk with Sam & Neeru

By Podcast

Working out is hard work, takes time, takes dedication and requires constant effort. It’s not a seasonal sport, part-time hobby or something you can get away with just doing on the weekends. When you add kids into the mix, running a small business and juggling a Professional career that’s when the odds stack up against you and only a very few people ( let alone couples) can successfully keep it up and if so, do it for years! Today I’d like to shine the spotlight on 2 of our many successful clients, Sam & Neeru Rai, who fit that very small percentage of elite performers or what I call “high performing couples” as you don’t often hear about them. In my 26 years working as a certified Fitness & Nutrition coach and my 15 years of running PURE Motivation Fitness it still to this day brings me joy, passion and satisfaction when I see the progression and growth of couples that go from being somewhat active to full time lifestyle integration where Family & Fitness are intertwined! In today’s podcast Sam & Neeru will tell you how they first became involved in fitness, what their “ why” was and how it slowly transformed into a 5-6x week discipline or routine event in their lifestyles Im going to showcase the success, struggles and daily triumphs that these two rockstar “High Performers” balance Family / Fitness 5-6x week… That’s right I said 5-6x a week and do so like it’s nothing different than going to work or brushing their teeth! It’s become Part of their lives and their not only exemplifying the proper example for their kids but they are becoming role models to each and every Mother , Father , Entrepreneur & busy professionals that are balancing or trying hard to balance Family and Fitness and work together.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

PMF Podcast

Motivating Educating and Empowering Tradespeople

By Podcast
PMF Podcast

Coming from a broken home with a single mom raising him and his brother, life was hard for his family and when he found fitness it became his escape. Training begins with body types, which of the 3 are you? Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph, focus on your body type to begin with. At 21 with the help of his wrestling coach, Dimitri was able to compete in his first show and he won. From there he worked in fitness clubs, good and bad ones, mostly bad ones, he saw where they could improve and how to improve. With the guidance of a mentor, Dimitri left the corporate life, and he took a chance and went on his own and built Pure Motivation Fitness, that was 15 years ago.Dimitri discusses customizing your fitness goals to your body type and truly understand why he is going to suggest eating habits, exercise techniques, weight training to suit your body. Dimitri wants to be your coach; everyone needs a coach to make sure you are held accountable to your health and fitness goals. 3 Key principles, Mindset, Training and Nutrition last.Dimitri isn’t here to preach, he’s here to help you change your life for the better, loosing body fat adds years of extra life. It’s simply about taking bad habits and placing good habits in front of it, that is how you slowly change your day-to-day events, such as smoking. Accept, Acknowledge and Advance, 3 counts of accountability. Tim Lyons once taught Dimitri, “embrace the suck” Covid happened, and he had to embrace the suck to get over it.Dimitri shares some great insight into the medical industry and how to handle your doctor, your injuries, and avoiding pharmaceutical assistance. Here in Canada, we have the right to ask for a 2nd or 3rd and we have the right to ask for ultrasounds, x-rays and MRI’s, we need to see what the problem is so we can figure out the best course of action because a pill may not always be best option for you. Dimitri pulls out the calculator and shows you how you can calculate the potential to have a heart attack or stroke based on your current state of resting heart rate, this will open you eyes wide. Dimitri has done an amazing job motivating, educating and empowering people and now it’s time for Tradespeople to take back their lives.Shared and Discussed linkshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Herbert_Sheldonhttps://www.synviscone.ca/clinics/dr-anthony-(tony)-galea-ism-health-wellness-centre?i=17&culture=enhttps://www.poliquinstore.com/articleshttps://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercisesCheck out his app on Apple and AndroidWhat an amazing show full of truth, pain, fitness, health, exercises and more, I thank you so much Dimitri for sharing so much on your life for our construction lives, educating our listeners on everything to do with your body, mind and soul. Thank you. Find him on IG @puremotivationalfitness and @dimitrigiankonlas and contact him for your next exercise booking at dimitri@puremotivationfitness.com and his website is www.puremotivationalfitness.com and find his YouTube channel at Pure Motivational Fitness where he shows you key details to live a happy, healthy construction life.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.