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Pure Motivation Family Summer Vacation

No Excuse Summer Vacation

By Family

Pure Motivation Family Summer VacationWhether or not you have kids, summer is a generally accepted time to take vacations. Many people use vacations as a motivator when it comes to amping up their fitness and nutrition routines in an effort to make room to indulge when they arrive at their destinations. While there, they definitely indulge, but also they tend to choose to relax in lieu of exercises. But, then when they return, they are back to square one: plagued with fatigue and off the wagon when it comes to their nutrition plan.

There’s a better way. Vacation doesn’t need to be an excuse to go off the deep end when it comes to your healthy lifestyle. There is a way to balance everything out – in fact, that is the goal of a healthy lifestyle- balance.

Set goals for yourself and stick to them, no matter your location. Just because you may not be home doesn’t need to mean that you should stop the progress you’ve made!

Focus on what your body is telling you. If you’re hungry, eat sensibly. If you’re tired, sleep. If you feel like moving around, take a walk, schedule a hike, go for a bike ride, run, or whatever else you can find nearby. And, if you want to try the local flavours for dessert, try it, but you don’t necessarily need to finish every last morsel. Your body will thank you.

Here are a few tips to get the most out of your vacation while remaining on plan.

1. Food is fuel. Eat what makes you feel good inside. If you really want to try something decadent, try it, but do your best not to overindulge.

2. Plan ahead in terms of your goals for the vacation. As long as you know what you’re getting into, having a plan ahead of time for how you want to eat or exercise while you’re away can save you the guilt of overdoing it later.

3. Rest and unplug. The best part of vacation is not being instantly accessible to bosses, colleagues, clients and everyone else who is a drain on your time. Be present and enjoy your time away.

If you keep these tips in mind, you’ll return home feeling refreshed and further down the path toward health and wellness that you started.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

How To Embrace Fitness For A Healthier Marriage Pure Motivation Fitness

PMF Podcast: How To Embrace Fitness For A Healthier Marriage

By Family

How often do you hear couples say “they wish they had more time to exercise?”
How easy, & how often do parents neglect their health, neglect making fitness part of their active marriage or take the time to give each other space to exercise?
Having helped thousands of couples over 2 decades of service we have noticed that Many couples struggle to make Fitness a priority and it later becomes a luxury.
We also have seen other couples including our selves that manage to involve & embrace fitness into their marriage and family and use it to enjoy healthier more meaningful marriage and lifestyle.
Joined by my wife Francesca on todays podcast, together, we tackle the challenge, daily obstacles and hard choices that many couples face when trying to juggle Fitness into their lifestyle and marriage.
We talk about the upside and downside to embracing fitness and give share our Top 5 strategies on:

How to involve and keep fitness into a healthier lifestyle for you and your spouse.

Pls LEAVE A COMMENT and tell us if you and your partner or spouse exercise together? Best Comment wins a FREE 2on1 Training Session.
Pls SHARE THIS VIDEO or forward it to anyone you feel can benefit from hearing our podcast!

15 suggestion everyone should follow Pure Motivation Fitness

15 Lessons I Learned From 15 Years Of Being Married!

By Family
15 suggestion everyone should follow Pure Motivation Fitness

15 Lessons Along My 15 Years Of Being Married!

In case you didn’t know my beautiful wife Francesca and I are celebrating 15 years of marriage together! I’m making sure today is special and I surprise her for sure!

We have officially been together dating and in love since the summer of June 1996…That makes it 24 years of being together but officially married for 15!

Sept 4 2005, that’s the day Francesca & I made our marriage agreement both legal, true to the world, and most important made it official amongst us!

I wanted to take the time today to share 15 lessons I’ve learned along the way of being married, for all of you who are either almost there…currently in love and married…currently in love but not married…currently married and not in love, dating or even divorced. This one is for all of you!

I’m surely NOT an expert when it comes to being and staying married but I do know a few things after being together and sharing a wonderful world with my partner for 24 years. You may find some of these apply to you and some not but my main goal is to share with you some lessons I’ve learned in hopes that they may help, enlighten or remind you of the things we sometimes forget.


1. Marriage needs water, soil and care!

Too many of us think that as long as you can organize a fancy wedding, buy your partner fancy things or come home in a good mood and always agree, your marriage will be perfect but it’s far from that and the truth. Like anything meaningful in life a solid marriage needs time, dedication, work, focus and a mindset. Its easy to say I Do! But it’s a lifetime of living together loving and sharing one life, so know that the reps you put into a marriage will only need to get bigger and more frequent as time goes on.


2. Marriage is like a stock market!

You will have steady and slow times, you will have small jumps that you are not expecting from time to time and you will have lows and droughts that seem to kill the stock (in this case your love) but its all part of the choreographed dance between you and your partner. Learn to budget the lows and savour the highs and hold on to that investment for life. Never peak the best is yet to come!


3. Competition will try to kill your love!

Like most wonderful things that you may have, there is always someone who will, unfortunately, be jealous. Others who have failed marriages may be envious of the love and passion you both possess. Be mindful and notice those who envy what you have and don’t feel alarmed. It’s a natural evolution of life so don’t hate them just know that people often want what they can’t have…and a great marriage is magical!


4. Flex Your Marriage Muscles Every Day or else you may lose them!

Just like muscle memory exists and just like muscles need to have stress, weight, pressure and force placed on them to grow stronger and not shrink, your marriage is the same and needs daily tough points (reminders) of why you’re together! Learn to deflect negativity and welcome positive emotions regardless of what surprises you find. Learn to do the small things like play your spouses favourite music, cook them a meal, write them a note, send them a pic, remind them you love them or simply ask “is there anything I can do to be a better partner?”


5. Expect Problems every morning and eat them for breakfast!

Just like running a business, being a teacher, being a parent or crossing the road, daily your marriage will encounter problems, obstacles and threats. Be prepared, be aware and swallow them up for breakfast. A proactive couple supersedes a reactive marriage. Try to work on solving the problems together so you both share the load and often you will find the stress levels decrease.


6. Grow with your partner not above them!

Some couples find it hard to grow older together and are afraid that your spouses goals may not be similar to yours. That’s exactly right! And because they are not you, they have their own goals and dreams so try to work with your partner, understand how they are wired, what makes them happy and understand that it may not be what you like or want, and that’s ok. It’s not always about you, and you have to do things that often you don’t like too (this one is always hard for me but I try to be present about it).


7. Say I love you, I’m sorry and Kiss every day!

I’m not an expert but studies show that the more you say I love you,I’m sorry, kiss or touch your partner…Sharing emotional feelings and care can often keep couples closer, longer and forever as we all have needs and wants. Marriage is harder than running a business because you can ignore somethings, someone or more than one person in a business but you can’t do that in a good quality marriage. Say I’m sorry and don’t expect anything in return.


8. Recognize the fights, quarrels and disagreements!

It’s vital to know that you and your spouse have different personalities, likes, wants and sometimes communication isn’t as clear as it should be! I know I’m not perfect and man times…did I say many times yet?…Have I been a sucker to following my ego and trying to communicate based on what I think I should say vs. what’s right. Being mindful and prepared helps you deal with your friend Ego when he /she calls.


9. Keep your fights, arguments private.

If there is any couple out there that doesn’t fight then they are not real. I don’t mean fist fight that’s unacceptable and happens (please seek help for that) but it’s not a true marriage if it’s always 100% of the time perfect with no issues, no debates or no conflict. Be careful though that when there is conflict keep it private especially from your parents as getting too many noses involved means now you have pressure and gossip happening behind your back which always leads to disappointment, rumours and unnecessary people knowing your business.


10 . Every marriage needs a coach, never suffer in private!

Too many marriages fail and continue to fail because no coaching was involved. How stupid, would it be if everyone thought that marriage doesn’t need periodic counselling? Just like athletes need a coach, students need a teacher and your car needs a mechanic. A marriage needs an outsiders view on whats happening, what needs to happen to fix or improve anything and how it should be done. And too many couples feel embarrassed to get the help they need and often fail.


11. Know that every fight is your partner’s way of saying I need you!

A great client of mine and an amazing marriage coach told me once that ALL couples spiral off in figure 8 dances. What she meant was, you get mad and act rude to them, causing them to get mad and spiral off on their own and ignore you leaving you upset and then when they come to their happy self and come back to you, your ego is still mad at them and often pivots or spirals away distancing you from them and then rehashing the entire cycle. This can go on for days, weeks even months. Every fight is due to someone’s needs not being met so know that marriage is 50/50 and you need to listen to each other’s needs!


12. Marriage is the savour to the soul

A good marriage will make you feel rich, strong, confident, alive, vibrant, energetic, young again, spiritual and with poise. A marriage blessed by God and those who love you is the only thing we need to help us mature and grow old together with companions for life. A good marriage can make any million or billionaire feel alone and poor, as a good marriage brings food to the soul and makes every day more happier together because you have that special person there.


13. Don’t get comfortable or lazy, surprise each other!

It’s too easy to get comfortable after a few kids, mortgage, careers and being together for 15+ years. Francesca and I are at 24 years together and some of the best memories of my life will go down in my grave with her beside me and them! However, just like working together (which I’m telling you is the hardest thing for any couples to do!), and seeing each other in pj’s at home we do get comfortable and can easily take advantage of each others time, love and efforts! Stop and recognize each other, compliment each other, exercise together, cook together, shower together, experiment with new romantic exercises and make the time to surprise them from time to time. It’s needed or the flames will burn out.

14. Make date night non-negotiable or take breaks together!

Two beautiful kids later, running a business side by side for 11 years, battling life’s stresses, those who envy our relationship and passion after 24 years and dealing with the emotional roller coster of having to compromise on everything you do together as a couple…life chips away at your love and it takes one (or both of you) to recognize this and make time for date night. Schedule it in as an appointment every week, 2nd week or month, put money aside for it and tell people to try and not stop your date nights so you can continue to grow older together and have meaning together. The saddest thing I can ever imagine is a couple being together for 50 years having the most boring marriage, boring milestones or not even celebrating them and then passing and saying I wish i could have….


15. Never go to bed without a kiss goodnight!

It’s hard, it may take you to drop the ego, it may mean you sometimes have to say I’m sorry for no reason going to bed mad, means waking up mad or with attitude. It’s hard to always agree but settling a fight at night makes waking up easier for both of you and gives you time to sleep off the nonsense that you were arguing about in the first place.

I want to take this moment to thank my amazing and beautiful wife Francesca for all of her help in my life, throughout my broke ass college days where bodybuilding, work and eating were my only hobbies. Throughout my 11 years of running (what I think) has been one of the most successful fitness studios in Toronto! For putting up with my obsessive-compulsive personality of always needing to be right or do what I feel sporadically , emotionally which hasn’t always been the right way! Thank you for teaching me patience, true love, resilience and to be confident while navigating our business through Covid-19 and all the other challenges with more to come! Thanks for listening to me talk about the studio, employees, marketing, sales and how shitty my day was every day at night, when we are out and when we shouldn’t be talking about work!!!

Thanks for placing your wants, needs or career dreams to help ours come true and for giving me the ability to be the most important person in the world and that’s a dad to our two beautiful kids, Milena and Dimitrius. Mazel tov, this day is for us! And I will always love you and never be perfect!



The 6 Things I learned in Greece This Summer

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 1- Invest in PURE Family Time

By Family
The 6 Things I learned in Greece This Summer

Living in North America ( I live in Toronto, Canada) not only has different climate zones, terrain and scenery than our fellow Europeans do, and not only do we enjoy our sports, TV and social media alike but our way of living has evolved into a 24/7 game of “constant need” to accomplish stuff or “attain status” .  I don’t think anything is wrong with trying to be successful, having goals or constantly trying to better yourself but once you have a family, especially children under 15 years of age its vital and super important to carve out PURE Family time throughout the year where you can fully disconnect from work, your professional career, your career ambitions,  status or your ongoing continuing education and make time for them.

Children may be young, naive and on many occasions drive us nuts but they are definitely not stupid nor blind to realize when their parents don’t make the effort to spend quality time with them so its paramount to ensure that every parent takes the time to block out “Family Time” ( i believe in doing so every quarter) to do something special with them.  This doesn’t mean taking a vacation or having to always go away somewhere, it can be as small as taking them for a drive up north for the weekend or even planning a full day of fun activities for them that does not include any cell phone or technology time.

Carving out PURE quality, family time is not just for you but is for them to see, feel and realize how important life is when you spend those magical moments together as a family and truly enjoy every minute of time with them.  This is what Francesca and I do each year and we look forward to it more than anything.  No business, no money, no material success or wealth can ever amount to the joy and happiness we have when we are truly together as a family no matter where we are.

Hope you enjoyed this short email and remember…Attitude is Everything,


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

Life is short make peace with everyone around you

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 2- Life Is Short, Make Peace With Everyone Around You

By Family
Life is short make peace with everyone around you

As much as we may hate to say it but there is a famous Greek saying that goes, “Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε τους φίλους σας, αλλά δεν μπορείτε να επιλέξετε την οικογένειά σας” (translated it means you can choose your friends but you cant choose your family).  In life, there will be situations where people, co-workers, vendors, friends, your neighbours even you family may upset you, cause you grief even do things to hurt you without even knowing it but life too short to hold grudges, keep anger inside of you and hold onto regret.

People will come and go, and we hope to God that your family will always be there to help, protect and love you but in the end all you can really do is try your best to make peace and love in every relationship you have and make peace with everyone around you.  If you don’t, and you begin to build up neglect, anger, resentment, hate or despise others the only person you are truly bringing negativity or stress to is yourself and can never know if you tomorrow is your or their last day on this Earth.

So, instead of being angry and bottling up negative emotional thoughts, smile, be polite and try to use diplomatic conversation with whomever you are dealing with or whatever situation you are in as nothing positive can ever become when you, personally, are holding on to evil, negative and angry emotion.  Life is short, try to make peace with everyone around you, you never know how much of an impact it can have for you, them and the entire universe around them.

Hope you enjoyed this short email and remember…Attitude is Everything,


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

We dont need much to be happy

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 3- We Don’t Need Much To Be Happy

By Family
We dont need much to be happy

Its funny to see the difference between Europeans and North Americans and when you really come down to measure the meaning of true happiness I really think they know it better than we do.  Sure its easy to point the finger and say that “Europeans are lazy and that we are not” or that “they do not accomplish as much and we do”,  but in reality if i had to sum up 10 of the most successful people I know in North America and Europe I would have to say that we North Americans are never satisfied with what we have and that we are always searching for that next thing…perhaps in pursuit of PURE happiness…and we are twice as stressed, pressed for time and often more unhappy with our day to day routines than our friendly Europeans are!

I’ve realized from meeting successful people that having more financial freedom can help you have the ability to do more when you travel, when you want to purchase something of value or even if you want to invest in something expensive but often the ability to do so requires more mental agony, stress and sometimes can cost people their actual health and they are in constant search for more while happiness is right in front of them.   Search within your household, your family and your health first for happiness.

As a fitness coach for now 23 years this September I’ve witnessed first hand how much of an impact “success can have” whether it be financial, career based or material based can have on peoples health and have had to witness and try to assist in endless hours of both mental, physical  and psychological exercises to try and reverse it.  And in the end, all we are all searching for is true happiness, love and feeing needed.  Even as Tony Robins world renown life and success coach says “We all have six core human needs are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution.   We don’t really need much to be truly happy if we come to think of it and we have to as adults and parents realize what goals, material things or necessities we feel are important are really important and which are not so we don’t keep chasing the golden carrot that lies too far for us to reach.  Its not worth missing out on special occasions, our children and their needs or working your health to the ground, becoming too stressed, overweight, in active and fearing how we can ever change this unhealthy cycle.  Our European friends know something we dont and that’s how to enjoy life and the little things we have!

Have a great day and remember Attitude is Everything,


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

Dont stress over matters you cannot control

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 4- Stressing Over Matters You Can’t Control – Pure Motivation Fitness

By Family
Dont stress over matters you cannot control

This picture of my son dressed up with a funny wig and 2 toy guns got me to laugh so hard on a day that I was having so much anxiety over a family related issue that I was dealing with inspired me to make this email and share it with you!

Most of us are not living in the present moment and often too worried, anxious or afraid of whats going to happen tomorrow. I personally have been a victim of over worry, being over anxious and constantly worried if I’m doing enough, working hard enough and trying to prepare for tomorrow when in reality I have missed out on important parts of my life because of this.   Many of us feel that if we just slow down and only think about the now…the present…whats happening this moment we will fall behind and miss out on something important but often its the opposite and that because we are worrying about that next sale, that next month, that next project , that next goal your trying to accomplish we all live life without being in the present and some people suffer from mental stress disorders due to it.

We cant worry or control how long we live, we dont know whether or not we will always be liked, loved or accepted by others and we definitely cannot always control the direction of our business or families needs.   My wife has always been the person in my corner to always remind me that you cant always be in control and that sometimes things will happen and what you think you control you actually dont.  It was hard to believe her and hard to accept that as a realty to but the more I read about successful entrepreneurs , athletes, or people in todays world its the ones that dont let tomorrows actions affect todays decisions come out to be happy, healthy and far more successful in life than those who dont.

It sometimes takes for you to leave your surroundings and regular daily actives to come to realize that you cant stress over matters your cant always control, and if you believe you do have the power to alway do so you will always be carrying around an extra 40 lbs of “worry stress” that can have more negative impact on your life than you think.  At the end of the day and with our lives all we only ever own is our thoughts and feelings everything else will not come with us in the after life so its not worth stressing over it today!

Have a great day and remember Attitude is Everything,


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

Do I Really Needs Guardrails

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 5- Set Social Media Guardrails

By Family
Do I Really Needs Guardrails

Its been proven by hundreds of successful entrepreneurs around the world, world class athletes and every person that specializes in mental health that checking your social media outlets is proven to cause anxiety, stress and often wasters valuable time you cannot get back.  Prior to taking time away this year, I, like many of you have run into the same daily addictive phenomenon where Im constantly interrupted by ringing notifications, alerts, texts or social media buzz that often takes me away from my creative flow or my big goals for the day.

Most of us if not 80% of us often wake up and the first thing we do is check out phones or go to Instagram or Facebook or check out emails vs. telling our loved ones or kids that you love them and are so thankful to have them in our lives.  We forget to take 5 min to look at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves 3-5 positive affirmations, even just taking the time to be thankful for what we have.

This forgetful habit can often lead to valuable time wasted surfing and scrolling down our cell phones and often causing negative thoughts of stress, frustration, confusion,  even envy for some of those people who are not happy with their current lives and see others in social media posts with lavish cars, homes, clothes often appearing to be “living the life” when for most occasions those social media influencers are posing to be somebody their not.  Living cheque to cheque and fooling you to think they are someone they are not and trying to sell you some scheme of online products, service or advice they feel you need as they are lurking on your fears , frustrations and desires.

Stop that at once!  I turn my cell phone on airplane mode every night before i set my alarm, when i wake up and go to the bathroom i turn it off airplane mode and often listen to a powerful or education podcast or motivation speaker like Tony Robbins, Lewis Howes or Bedros Khoulian not because I need to hear someone brainwashing me with positive influence but because Id prefer to be listening to something educational as i brush my teeth and get my morning routine done and possibly learn something than be sitting in my bed or toilet and scrolling , scrolling , scrolling down my cell like a phone addict.

Set Social Media guardrails or cell phone rules like only viewing social media for a timed 7 min per time or setting your alarm to ring every 7-10 min when you turn it on, or making sure you only check your cell when you have finished 2hours of work.

Remember, Mark Zuckerberg and all of the social media founders pay scientists, engineers and other wacky smart guys millions of dollars per year to try and steal, rob and hypnotize you to keep on their social dial.  Remember what it was like 10 years ago when we never had any of these wacky gismos?  We used to do call more, talk more, right more, train more, have more time on our hands to do more for us and others around us and slowly slowly these companies are robbing us of valuable time especially when we are at home with our families.  Set guardrails like a race car driver so that you don’t get taken away from these online vampires.

Till Next Time have a great day!


Dimitri Giankoulas



I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

Water Induces Meditative States

The 6 Things I learned while on Vacation: Part 6- Water Induces Meditative States

By Family
Water Induces Meditative States

We all won’t admit it but we all are fascinated by nature.  If we say we are not we are lying through our teeth because as much as we are savvy techy type of homosapiens when it comes down to it we all love nature, and its all so evident when we go away , travel or have time in nature.  We take pictures of nature, we tell our friends about how beautiful it is to be outdoors and see the green trees , flowers or hear the rush and roar of the beautiful blue ocean while away.

According Jenny Marchal at lifehack.com and other meditative professionals at Huffpost.com  Water Induces Meditative States.  Even simply observing the movement of water causes our minds to calm. This has numerous benefits for contributing to lowering depression, lowering stress levels, anxiety, and promotes better mental clarity and sleep patterns.

When we hear the crashing of waves by the ocean, see a quiet river stream run by or watch the baby blue bottom of a nearby pool, looking at water can actually put us into a mindful, mediative state. The sound of waves has been found to alter the brain’s wave patterns and invoking a meditative, relaxed state.

Water Invokes Inspiration and Creativity.  When we’re near water, our brains switch off from busy mode to relaxed mode. This naturally leads our brains to open up because it’s not focused on the millions of thoughts swirling around that can often lead to stress or anxiety. When your brain is in this relaxed state, it is open more to inspired and creative thoughts. In essence, we are switching our brains off or giving it a rest from the norm causing a better mental environment for insight and introspection.

Water Gives Us A Sense of Awe.  Awe is an important factor in the recently popular science of positive psychology.  The emotion of awe contributes greatly to our happiness because it not only allows us to be in the present moment but it causes us to think about our place in the world around us invoking a feeling of being humble, feelings of a connection to something beyond ourselves and the pure vastness of nature.

Its not always easy to be by water or wake up to the beautiful Mediterranean sea like my cousin Dimitri (we have 7 of us with the same name in my family) does every day as he lives right on the beach but even if you can play running water or ocean breeze sounds from a free YouTube channel in your daily 5 min mediation it will do wonders for your stress level and calm you down.


Till Next Time have a great day!


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



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