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The 6 Things I learned in Greece This Summer

Living in North America ( I live in Toronto, Canada) not only has different climate zones, terrain and scenery than our fellow Europeans do, and not only do we enjoy our sports, TV and social media alike but our way of living has evolved into a 24/7 game of “constant need” to accomplish stuff or “attain status” .  I don’t think anything is wrong with trying to be successful, having goals or constantly trying to better yourself but once you have a family, especially children under 15 years of age its vital and super important to carve out PURE Family time throughout the year where you can fully disconnect from work, your professional career, your career ambitions,  status or your ongoing continuing education and make time for them.

Children may be young, naive and on many occasions drive us nuts but they are definitely not stupid nor blind to realize when their parents don’t make the effort to spend quality time with them so its paramount to ensure that every parent takes the time to block out “Family Time” ( i believe in doing so every quarter) to do something special with them.  This doesn’t mean taking a vacation or having to always go away somewhere, it can be as small as taking them for a drive up north for the weekend or even planning a full day of fun activities for them that does not include any cell phone or technology time.

Carving out PURE quality, family time is not just for you but is for them to see, feel and realize how important life is when you spend those magical moments together as a family and truly enjoy every minute of time with them.  This is what Francesca and I do each year and we look forward to it more than anything.  No business, no money, no material success or wealth can ever amount to the joy and happiness we have when we are truly together as a family no matter where we are.

Hope you enjoyed this short email and remember…Attitude is Everything,


Dimitri Giankoulas


1 – SECRETLY REFER A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER IN NEED OF FITNESS! We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!  So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here: https://www.landpage.co/freefitnessassessmentappt


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

4 – LETS SCHEDULE A FREE “45min LUNCH & LEARN” AT YOUR WORK Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: ttps://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

Dimitri Giankoulas

Fascinated since an early age by the potential of the human body, I have devoted my career and much of my private life to pushing beyond my own limits – and to lead others to personal health achievements greater than they thought possible. My level of commitment to each and every client is unparalleled in the industry. I try to bring energy, optimism, and pure motivational power to every one of his workout sessions. I have been in the fitness industry since 1997, working as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant, and ultimately Personal Training Director at various well-known gyms across the GTA. Combined I have over 11,000 hours of hands-on personal training experience.