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8 Ways You Can Use The Power Of Language & Self-Talk To Rewire Your Mindset

By Mindset

Do you sometimes make excuses for yourself or your actions and know you’re lying?

Do you ever feel like the way you answer back to others isn’t really what you want to say but due to doubt, fear or negative self talk you often find yourself answering using words that are not routed deep down within your soul?

If so I wanted to say its ok!, That means you’re human and like me and it means that as long as you pay attention, stay present and take the time to answer back to people we actually can change the trajectory of our life, our future and our bodies!

Today, since most of us are a bit behind due to either watching the Super Bowl or not doing what we said we were supposed to last night I wanted to share with you 8 ways you can use the Power of language & self-talk to be successful as many of us including myself often find


When you say you “I should” do something, you are not fully engaged. It’s a very passive voice and it’s like you have given the power away that you feel you should have but can’t do. These words are far from motivating and as your coach I want to ensure I call you out on the use of these words.

Clients that use the term “I should” a lot display a red flag and often begin to passively go through the motions.

When I personally say “I should” I know whatever I’m talking about wont happen because there is not date or deadline behind it. There is no commitment and for that reason… I hate the words “I should”!

#2 – I CANT

You are probably right. If you say you can’t, you probably really can’t. Each time your brain searches for the right word to use to describe how you feel the minute it locates the file named “I Can’t”, it actually saves the answer in its memory bank in case it needs to grab it for future use. It’s a horrible word that silently and quietly builds momentum to ultimately allow your subconscious to believe this and be readily available for the host (you) to use whoever things get scary, challenging or unknown.

Having gone through 5 lockdowns and having lost so much of what was once a very fine-tuned business due to covid was and continues to be hard. I have no room for “I can’t” Those words aren’t able to be in my vocabulary so what if you change your language to “What can I do?” The possibilities are endless.

#3 – I’ll TRY

This reminds me of Yoda in the movie Star Wars. He said, “Do, or do not. There is no try.” “Try” gives you an out, it lacks intention and confidence. It sows doubt in your mind. When you say to someone “I’ll Try” it’s telling them and yourself that you would rather give someone a floating answer because you’re not sure enough to decide. What you should be saying is “No matter how hard this or it will get…I will continue to try harder and never give up”, that shows conviction and that you do have the confidence but possibly not the answer.

I always believe in “I’ll Try”. Even if I don’t know the answer the best possible next case scenario is to try to do something hard.

#4 – I COULD

Possibilities open up when you use the word “I could”. You’re not stuck in someone else’s ideas. When I say “I could change my behaviour” I consider it an option. I haven’t really stepped into the world of action and power but I am considering it. The words “I could” tell your subconscious that it can be possible (with action), I may be able to compete or attempt something and I just have to take action.

For that I love I could and feel that we should all say I could to never fear the possibility of trying.

#5 – I WANT

A mindset shift occurs when “I want” shows up. There is more of you in this word. The “should’s”, “ought’s” and “maybes” are gone when you say I want because your personal desire is coming out and commitment increases. While this is a step in the right direction, we can still get stuck in inaction when we stay at “want”: “I want to wake up earlier”, “I want to improve my program”, “I want to book more calls”.

So in order to not get stuck in inactivity you need to say “I want…. And Im willing to give up …This will help add value to what you want and show what your willing to lose to get it.

#6 – I WILL

I love “I will”! What will you start doing? When your “I will” shows up, your power shows up. Your will alone determines what you do next. When we say “I will” we are consciously telling our peers, coaches, competitors that you have mentally committed and will now provide a time and date for what you will be doing.

I’ve always believed in “I will” and the next words are try. I will try is another way of saying even if I don’t know I will attempt.


“I Choose” is one of my favorite words. Choice is power and you always have a choice. You chose confidence. You choose action. You choose expansion. You choose love. You choose success. You choose investment. You choose your attitude. You choose joy. You choose gratitude. I choose to show up as a leader and be authentic. Choice comes from a power paradigm. Choice radiates commitment. It proves that you are NOT a victim of your situation or environment (I’m not talking about tragic and abusive events).

So next time your dealt with a challenging situation before you come to a conclusion begin with “I choose” not to be afraid, scared or overwhelmed and I Choose to not give up!

#8- – I AM

Maybe the most powerful set of words you can ever say. “I am powerful”. “I am pursuing my goals and dreams”. “I am a finisher.” “I am a man/woman of my word.” “I am strong.” “I am grateful.” “I am here on earth to give.”

It is so powerful that it can also destroy. “I am a failure” or “I am not good enough” or “I am not ready” or “I am not good at making content” or “I am so stressed out”.

Positive “I am” statements will build you and negative “I am” statements will break you. When you reframe your identity as, “I am a winner” you will show up differently and committed with the belief in what is possible with consistent action.

Listen to words you say, listen to whether or not you say them a lot, listen to whether you catch yourself saying the words that lead to doubt, fear or overwhelm. Listen to the words you speak in your head and always remember that what we think, then say , we believe and often make our identify.

I believe everyone has the ability, the capability and the desire to achieve any goal they set for themselves but the negative self talk that we also do can break down, poison and cripple that way we response, react or conduct ourselves so please be mindful of what you think and then say!

Challenge yourself on where the powerless language shows up and make a commitment to using powerful language. You will see the change.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss Whats the Difference Pure Motivation Fitness

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss, What’s the Difference?

By Mindset
Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss Whats the Difference Pure Motivation Fitness

Theres a big misconception when it comes to weight loss vs fat loss? I’ve seen so many people over my 25 years in the industry get them mixed up, but seemingly addressing the same concern, many people use the terms fat loss and weight loss interchangeably.

Unfortunately, you can lose weight and still have a high body fat percentage (what we in the industry sometimes refer to as skinny-fat). And, you can go the other direction – you can lose body fat while increasing the number on the scale. This can be due to increasing muscle mass. (Which is a good thing). No matter what, though, you should ditch the number on the scale as your sole way of determining your overall health.

Let’s talk about the difference for a second. Fat is the substance that your body uses to store excess calories found in all the foods you eat. When most people start on a weight loss journey, this is the excess weight they want to shed. But they also need to understand that Muscle weighs more than fat and if we are not focusing on growing our lean mass by lifting weights, eating higher consumption of the Macronutrient protein, and keeping ourselves active by doing cardio based exercises too, we can and often will lose lean mass (muscle) while following weight loss programs.

Typically, when you lose excess fat, you also lose weight. Sometimes, though, you can maintain or even gain weight. The truth is that you build up lean muscle through strength training while also helping you shed excess fat through aerobic exercise. The more muscle that you build, the more fat you can burn. This should be a no-brainer, then, your weight should go down, right? Not necessarily. Muscle is more dense than fat, so my advice to you is not to get fixated on a number on the scale. It is not an accurate measurement of your overall health.

Fat tissue is very loose and not dense. It occupies a lot of space in your body. Whereas muscle is more denser and takes up less space. When you lose fat, this space is freed and you can notice inch loss. If you are following a consistent strength training program then gain in lean muscle tissue will balance out this loss of fat and weight stays the same. Since muscle takes less space than fat, you lose inches and start to look more toned, lean and shapely.

Consistent strength training program then gain in lean muscle tissue will balance out this loss of fat and weight stays the same. Since muscle takes less space than fat, you lose inches and start to look more toned, lean and shapely.

Too many individuals think that just losing weight is good but when you do so at the expense of losing lean muscle mass is not the way you do it.

Your ultimate goal should be to improve your overall body composition, increasing your lean tissue-to-fat ratio which indicates a more positive overall fitness level and optimal general health which is more important than the number on the scale. So, in reality, you don’t want to just lose weight – focus more on nutrition and strength training to eliminate excess fat stores.

If you’re in need of help or know of anyone that is interested in learning how to Eat & Exercise for their unique body type click on box below to book a FREE 15 min discovery call.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

2021 08 03 10 49 58

5 Fat Burning Secrets From Physique Competitors

By Mindset
2021 08 03 10 49 58
The summer is midway through and if you’re like most people you’re saying it’s time to start a fitness program or take your current one to the next level and if that’s the case, you’re wanting to take all your energy and focus into one direction. But which direction do you go in? Which program do you follow, and what is the best advice to lose fat while building muscle?

If you’re struggling to admit that your waistline is growing too far it’s time to start! If you’re tired of not being able to fit into last year’s bathing suit then it’s time to start! Or, if you’re fed up with looking at yourself in the mirror and not recognizing who you’re staring at because you have given up on dieting and simply eating your summer away it’s time to start!

But what is the best diet, what is the best way to burn fat, and what principles or systems are true over time that will not leave you feeling like your following the next fad diet? Well, today I’m about to share with you my 5 Fat Burning Secrets From The Leanest People In the World.

I get it, it’s hard, it’s stressful and it sometimes feels like it’s not worth all the hard work but if you do try it properly. If you put in the sessions and if you eat the right foods for your body type you will and can get the results you want because so many others have done so and weight loss is not rocket science…but it’s hard work!

Physique Athletes, Bodybuilders, Physique competitors & Fitness Models all seek the same goal, burn fat, build and maintain muscle and do so all year. As a Natural Bodybuilder for 10 years, I knew firsthand how challenging it was to try to get results without using drugs and had to ensure that my food was always dialed in.

Hope you enjoy my 5 Similar Fat Burning Tips and know that all of these are true and not made up!

1. Physique athletes don’t diet—not in the conventional sense. Diets don’t work; you’ll find out over time that a diet is something temporary but when you change your eating habits and make it your lifestyle it will last for life. Bodybuilders are well-known for how much food they eat. It doesn’t seem possible that you can “eat more and burn more,” but on this plan, you really can.

2. Physique athletes are masters at stripping off the last 10 to 15 pounds of stubborn fat. Most people get stuck on those final pounds, but this method can strip off all the fat—all the way to six-pack abs. You may not want to get so lean that people say, “Wow, you are ripped!” But if you do, this is how it’s done. And if you follow most physique Athlete’s they wish to lose the last 10 lbs of fat by building muscle not dieting so much.

3. Physique athletes don’t lose muscle.  What good is it to lose weight if half of it is lean body mass? If you want to lose 20 pounds as fast as possible, we could saw off one of your legs. That sounds ridiculous, but it’s exactly what most people are doing with crazy starvation diets: burning off their muscles. Following a meal plan for your body type and not just cutting carbs and upping the cardio won’t just lose weight, you’ll burn fat, keep muscle, and completely transform your body.

4. Physique athletes know how to break plateaus.  By tracking body composition (instead of bodyweight), charting progress, and using a performance feedback loop system, you can break any plateau. Even doing strength tests every 30 days will help you evaluate changes you make each month so you have motivation and data to go off vs guessing. Doing it this way you’ll know when you’re stuck and what to do to get “unstuck.”

5. Physique athletes (and fitness models) have to show up in shape on a specific date.  If you use their system, you can “dial it in” whenever you want to get in peak shape—for a vacation, a reunion, a wedding, a whole summer, a body transformation contest, or even your photoshoot. You can get as lean as you want when you want. You’ll be in complete control of the timing and speed of your results. But if you don’t set a date of when you want to lose your weight, by which month, which date you’re not going to be able to work backward and log data to help you. Professionals have set dates they work towards so that each day is part of a bigger picture

Life is not perfect, I’m definitely not perfect and you are not either. But what I do know is most fitness professionals and physique athletes know their S*&T and they know it well. So, if they follow these 5 tips…So should you and I!

I’ve always told everyone your goal is to build muscle not just burn fat so next time you want to drop down some pounds make sure you’re saying, ” The goal is to burn fat while building muscle“!

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Power Naps

Can Snoozing For 10 Minutes Improve Your Performance

By Mindset, Life Style
Power Naps

It’s been a long, trying day at work and you are anticipating packing up and going home any minute. Your eyes are cloudy and you just want to curl up and take a nap. Your mood takes a bigger nose dive when you realize it’s only 2 in the afternoon and you have four more hours before you can leave. There’s no way you’re going to be able to accomplish anything else today because you just can’t focus anymore.

Does this sound familiar?

Strangely enough, it turns out that a 15-30 minute power nap can not only increase stamina and motor skills, it can also boost creativity! According to studies by The Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside, “without a midday rest, we are not able to perform at optimal levels throughout the day”.

I knew that I wasn’t meant to sit at a desk for 8+ hours and expect that I could be productive the whole time. Now, I know that science is behind me! Even NASA claims that a 30-minute nap could increase your cognitive faculties by about 40%!!

This doesn’t mean that you won’t be productive if you’re not napping but if you are experiencing fatigue, mood swings, lack of energy, motivation or drive during the day its probably because your sleep cycle is off, your meals are leaving you crashing with lows of sugar and or your caffeine intake is too high and thus leaving you dry after a few hours of no consumption.

Here’s the catch, though. There are some “rules” to get the best out of your nap time. First of all, power naps are short by definition. You will feel the most benefit if you limit it to between 15 and 30 minutes. If you go beyond 45 minutes, the reverse will happen and you can end up more groggy than before your nap.

Regardless of your occupation and if you are able to take a 10 min break to just shut off your phone, sit quietly, close your eyes, and relax it can make a big difference in your daily performance and production.

Secondly, research has shown that the best time for napping occurs about 8 hours after you wake…most people will find that napping between 1 pm and 3 pm will is the sweet spot. Third, keep the room quiet and as dark as possible. This makes it easier for you to relax wake up refreshed.

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit groggy, try tuning out the world for a short while and you’ll come back refreshed and ready to get back to business!

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Are You Under Recovering Pure Motivation Fitness

Are You Under Recovering?

By Mindset
Down But Never Out

By now, we’ve all grown pretty familiar with the term over training. As fitness coaches, we’re typically more concerned about getting our clients to work harder, as opposed to worrying about them working too hard. However, it’s a common thing for athletes and body builders to over train. Over training can result in a plethora of issues that along with making you feel fatigued, also inhibit muscle growth.

We all know that lifting heavy stuff results in hypertrophy of the muscle. The term Hypertrophy comes from the Greek words “Hyper” (Excess) and “Trophy” (Nourishment), and is a physiological adaptation from micro tearing the muscle fibres. As the body repairs the muscle fibres, the muscle fibres grow and increase in strength. Not allowing adequate time for the body to repair the muscles, prevents the muscle fibres from growing and limits the strength that can be gained. In addition, over training can result in fatigue, hormone imbalances, and metabolic issues.

Let’s face it though; unless you’re spending over an hour in the gym six plus days a week, odds are you aren’t over training. But, you could be under recovering! Over training and under recovering have some similar negative effects, including: excess soreness, movement dysfunction, and increased risk of injury. And regardless of whether you’re a professional athlete, a body builder, or a stay at home mom trying to lose a few extra pounds, under recovering can be detrimental your health and wellness. But what is under recovering?

Under recovering can be summed up like this – Devoting insufficient effort and time to recovery from your training program. You see, people don’t like to spend time or devote the effort it takes to recover from their workouts. This is because they don’t associate recovery with the aesthetics benefits that result from training. Unfortunately, recovery is as equally important to your fitness level as training.

Here’s the deal, recovery requires proper nutrition, adequate rest, and soft tissue work including foam rolling, using the lacrosse ball, massage, myofascial release, FST, sauna/steam room, etc. Without including these elements in your training regimen, your workouts will lack intensity, your form and movement patterning may fail leading to a higher risk of injury, and overall, you’ll move with lower efficiency in the gym and in day to day life.

No, this does not mean you need to hire “Shven” a Swedish Masseuse to give you relaxing massages every day or if you fail to foam roll you will not lose fat but it will take away from a lot of the muscle soreness, lactic acid and tight muscles experienced by everyone who trains.

Regardless of whether you’re a professional athlete, a body builder, or someone who’s just trying to look and feel a little bit better, devoting time each week to proper recovery is an absolute must. While you may not be at risk of over training, we’re all at risk of under recovering.

Don’t feel like you are recovering from your workouts? Feel that you’re not getting the proper rest, nourishment or gains in your current exercise program?

There’s a reason for everything logical in this world and one for you too. Book a session with us and let one of our staff provide you a 15 min Educational Discovery call to assist you with any questions or health related programs you are interested in.

Dont forget…Attitude is Everything,

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Down But Never Out

Down But Never Out

By Mindset
Down But Never Out

Hope you enjoyed the Victoria Day Long Weekend and were able to soak up some Vitamin D! Francesca, the kids and I drove up North Picked Up Lunch at an Italian local restaurant by a beach and had a picnic outside all day! Totally needed and so tranquil to be with family and away from indoors and technology.

Todays Blog was inspired from a client of mine named Dan that was stuck and frustrated over recent setback in his mass gaining program. I wanted to share my thoughts on this and hope you enjoy my opinion. Share this with anyone you feel would enjoy it!

We all have different end goals from weight loss to strength training, to injury recovery as we take steps along our fitness journey. Regardless of your path, I encourage you to understand one thing above all: the difference between a SETBACK and a FAILURE.

DO NOT allow setbacks to completely derail your progress along the journey. You know…80% is Mindset and Im here to guid you!

If you slip up, lose focus, eat off plan, give in to a craving, binge watch an entire season of your favourite show on Netflix instead of getting in any exercise…that’s a setback. Your choices may not have been in support of your long-term goals, but it does NOT mean that you failed and gave up. Your goals are still worth it.

“Recognize it for what it is, learn from it and get back on track.” You only FAIL if you decide that your health and future health journey aren’t worth it. That taking control of your health and body is impossible, and that your not sure you can step up to the plate take action and get back from a setback! That’s failure, because it’s simply not true.

We ALL choose health to a certain extent. We set long term goals because we WANT health, vitality, and the confidence that comes with taking care of yourself. These things last 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. Junk food or skipping a workout provides temporary pleasure or relief…and usually ends with feelings of guilt. Your journey may never be EASY, but it will always be WORTH IT.

Every day, you can CHOOSE to put in the effort to succeed.
You can CHOOSE to follow the path that leads you to your goals.
Or, you can CHOOSE to eat the last of the cookies in the jar. The choice is up to you. Every single choice you make has a consequence; sometimes it’s positive and sometimes it’s negative.

What you have to know is that set backs will happen, you’re human it’s ok. Set backs are sometimes good because they remind you of how important it is to stay focused and also give you some leeway to fall short of behind if your eyes are not on your target but they do not mean you have failed.

Im a dad too, my kids want some sweets during the summer, and my wife and I like to enjoy a nice cold glass of white wine in the summer but its a choice we make and make sure we don’t regret it. You shouldn’t either, your human and should practice 80% / 20% rule.

Failure is you starting a fitness program, starting off your workouts and getting a meal plan and then after 2 weeks saying this isn’t for you because according to a journal you read that said 1.5-.5 lbs of fat loss should occur for new beginners and you didn’t reach it and then stopping and saying that its not worth your time. Its not worth the hours of exercise nor worth you dieting so you give in and then you decided to go back to old habits.

“You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You choose.”

We would love to know how we can help you make YOU a PRIORITY in your life. Call us, email us, or talk to us at the gym. We want you to SUCCEED.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

3 Accountability Hacks To Win PMF

3 Accountability Hacks To Win

By Mindset
3 Accountability Hacks To Win PMF

Think about the last time you started a new exercise or nutrition program. Filled with excitement, you had great intentions…at the beginning. Maybe you filled your refrigerator with healthy food, bought new workout clothes for motivation, and even stuck with the program for a while. But, as the days, weeks, and months wore on, your interest waned and you found yourself making excuses about why you couldn’t do it.

Then you started to get discouraged. You weren’t getting the immediate results you expected. You started skipping your workouts and eating “cheat meals” more often than not. And, instead of the leaner new body, you were expecting, the numbers on the scale remained unchanged and you threw in the towel…and decided to quit!

To be honest, failing to achieve your goals wasn’t your fault.

Here’s why!

A healthy lifestyle change is an ongoing journey and it is understandable to find your motivation fading every once in a while. This is where accountability coaches and training partners can really help. A gentle reminder of the goal you wanted to achieve when you started and reminders to help you to show up via email, texts, and daily chats, coaches and training partners can help inspire you to continue on your journey.

You see, your journey is better if it is not something you have to do solo or alone. I know you’ve heard the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child”. Well, the same applies to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle – you need motivating coaches/people in your corner to help you along the way.

In order to succeed, you need to know the answers to these 3 questions:

  1. Who will encourage you to reach your goals?
  2. Who can you talk to when you are feeling vulnerable and frustrated?
  3. Who will wait for you at the gym to make sure you show up?

Although some of us can be accountable to ourselves; it’s not always easy for those who are just getting back to a gym routine or even new to fitness. If your own system doesn’t work and you lose motivation, the support of a community of people who understand what you are going through and what your end goal is can help make sure you are one step closer to success.

A fitness community allows you to discuss your successes & setbacks with a coach, family member, or friend & remind you of your “Why“.

  • Like why did you start this program in the first place?
  • Do you want to lower bad cholesterol?
  • Do you want to look good for a high school reunion?
  • Do you have young children who rely on you?
  • Are you getting married and want to look stunning for your upcoming nuptials?

Whatever your reason, know that you are not only doing this for yourself but also to ensure that you are around for your family and friends for years to come,

Our accountability coaches are trained to help keep you on track.

Who is Pure Motivation Fitness?

  • We help busy business professionals & stressed moms & dads look better naked, regain their work-life-family balance & improve sex drive in less than 90 days.
  • We teach you to eat & exercise for your  unique body-type.
  • No more obsessing about fitness
  • No more fad diets

Are You Ready to Take Action and Get Started? Have A Question About COVID Safety or Pricing?

Take charge of your fitness & nutrition today. Click the BUTTON BELOW to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call and together we will plan your 90-day of body transformation.

Vaughan Podcast

PMF Podcast: Overcoming Fear & Uncertainty Will Help Transform You In 2021

By Mindset

I wanted to share a great quote with you today by Swami Vivekanda which says


This quote, along with a sermon I listed to this past Sunday by a pastor named Steve Furtick got me thinking differently this week and I wanted to share my vision with you on “Why we should let go to receive & how certain changes that we can’t control in life are there to make us stronger and transform us to improve and be empowered. Hope you enjoy it!

Certain changes must be forced upon us:

No matter how bad things can get, we all have a choice in life and we all can make decisions

Will you allow certain changes, stresses, adversities, obstacles to challenge or change you?, Make you stronger or weaker?

  • God sometimes takes away what we have, what we need, or what we are used to, to allow us to overcome adversity
  • We have all had to adjust, adapt and for some Improve/ Deteriorate
  • Think of Jan this year as a lesson for us all and what you can learn from 2020
  • For Me Covid has taught me I must live with a higher standard of gratitude:

-I have a job, a family that loves me and is there for me, a partner that has been through thick and thin with me and will be by my side, I have my health, clients that love us and cant wait to return & a team of dedicated staff

  • We must get used to struggle, uncertainty, challenge and regular disruption in our lives (covid has come to our world to allow us to appreciate what we have )

Loosen the grip on your life:

  • Went to my doctor to fix my now golfers elbow as i had fixed my tennis elbow pain 4 years ago with PRP injection despite me never ever playing tennis. Now I have golfers elbow which is related to the same type of injury = holding my grip tight and constantly tensing on my elbow from repetitive pronation and supination , flexion and extension movements with my arms.
  • The doctor told me to “loosen my grip” to help heal the torn, over used tendons in my elbow joint
  • The Control Freaks will suffer in 2021 as we all had our lives disrupted in 2020 and we are constantly squeezing the grip we have on life, work, family, our goals, our health and more. And because of this tight grip we are blinded to see whats important in our lives and constantly living in tension, stress, anxiety, anxiousness which leads to poor health
  • If you change your grip…not let go you will be able to adapt, and transform your attitude, your energy, your state, your mindset, your actions and your ability to make impact vs be impacted.

We must let go of yesterday to receive tomorrow:

  • Not only did God say in the bible we must let go of yesterday to receive tomorrow but its evident in:- life,- in sports, -in our relationships-in our business-with our health
  • Release what you cant control and I am a prime example of not doing this sometimes.
  • Its time to unlearn what you know or what you think you actually have control of to allow what you cant to not control you
  • We are not looking for a new normal , as what we had wasn’t so normal? (our schedules, our habits, our social media/technology addiction, or lack of fitness (for some) & in contrast the addition of our fitness (for some), our lack of attention for our spouses (for some) and family time…the list can go on
  • Balance is the new normal when it comes to each of our own independent thought’s of pessimism, our survival skills and how we deal with challenge
  • Lets Look forward to experiencing a new normal despite it being so hard to let go of the past & what we thought was normal
  • Just because you were used to a certain life, certain way of thinking, certain way of neglecting your body, your mind, your family, your business or even your personal development because you felt your not good enough
  • We often get stuck in life and life in a way that is non productive to ourselves, (work hours, quality family time, quality spouse time, taking care of our health, our community)

Do you & will you conform to 2021 or will you transform in 2021:

  • This month, in February you need to set your mental agenda first
  • We all need to bury 2020 and remove the fog that is still attached to us to be able to see the opportunity in 2021-We lost over 1/2 of our clients, we lost all of our corporate training programs, we lost staff, we lost revenue and momentum but we ( and I as a leader) must move on and not allow these losses to define us moving forward
  • How do you let go when you don’t know how? Just try to, Just stand up for yourself, Just plan it Just do it or else Fear will be your new norm for 2021. -Fear lingers where uncertainty lies. -Fear attaches itself to weak mindsets, fear traps ideas, visions and hopes of opportunity. -Fear traps those who have failed, lost or not tried to better themselves or their health which eventually kills you

How to overcome fear & uncertainty:

  • We can only overcome fear and uncertainty from the inside out. Too many of us fail because we try to focus on the external world, our external thoughts, our external habits but we should focus on the inner set of core values.
  • Core values , beliefs and the ability to take action in the right direction of life starts when you learn to loosen your grip on things.
  • Loosen your grip on the way you listen, touch, taste, hear and feel life
  • Unlearn your bad habits by loosening your grip on the way you perceive life as we sometimes cannot control life
  • Our Posture, Our Tonality, Our Choice of words, Our Body Language, Our Morning & Evening Routine, Our diets, our ability to move our bodies = all work together to define our STATE.
  • The vessel in which society or the world sees us by is all dependant of our STATE: do we seem happy, sad, excited, determined, confident, opportunistic or do we sound or appear the opposite: negative, upset, frustrated, easily irritable, not interested in change or challenge
  • letting go of fear can only be accomplished if you let go of old, poor, negative or unproductive habits and replacing them with something that will help you or others improve, move forward and do so with optimism
  • New habits = New happiness:-you used to go to bed late, so now you go to bed 1/2 h earlier-you used to have 1-2 drinks at night to cool the stress now you read for 1/2 hour’-you used to yell at your wife/kids when you came home from work and were stressed, so now you take 5 min to prepare your mindset before going into the house every night and listen to music to calm you -you used to eat sweets, junk food or carbs not healthy for you when you were mad, sad or scared, no you eat veggies, log how you feel in your journal or listen to music when stressed
  • The way the world is wired is already messed up with so much pressure for us to look a certain way, talk a certain way, have a certain amount of followers follow your social accounts and more. All of this and more are merely fog that is getting in the way of you seeing, realizing and experiencing whats truly important in life and without letting go or letting lose of your grip on life, what you feel you do control and letting go of the past (whether it be 2020 or not) you cant receive what the future holds for you because your vision is blurred and your not paying attention to the present joys and miracles we have right in front of us…The ability to be alive!

May you all enjoy each and every day of life you have on this planet and try to let go of what you cant control to receive what is waiting for you.

Attitude is everything

Pure Motivation Fitness Ditching the scale

Don’t Let The Sacle Define You, Focus On Body Fat Percentage

By Mindset
Pure Motivation Fitness Ditching the scale

Coach D here again!

Countless people every day are starting a new exercise routine or starting a new diet, with the goal of losing weight. Weight is such a fickle idea; what is a healthy weight? What is the best way to lose weight? How can I drop the most weight in the shortest amount of time? So, what do we all do, we go out and buy a new scale believing that is the first step to staying on track to get to our goal body weight, but is that scale really a tool that is going to help on your journey? Or is it going to become an instrument that leads to failure?


They just do, and no one enjoys going on them. Diets and new food cleanses have been around forever and they are not going anywhere anytime soon, because most of us always have goals in our minds and every few months we get enough motivation to once again start working towards that goal. Now, for most people, that goal is geared around an ideal body weight ( that number on a scale), but does that number truly reflect what your goal is?

You might tell me that you always feel and look your best when you are 20 pounds lighter, so in your mind you step on the scale and get the number you currently are and its simple the scale just needs to read 20 pounds lighter, ideally by the end of this blog post. What happens? You continue to step on the scale every day watching the number go down, then maybe up and then back down, and you get frustrated with yourself and begin to doubt that you can ever achieve that 20-pound goal. This brings me to the first reason the scale is your enemy. Your weight is going to bounce all around, especially in the beginning of any new program and diet. So many things go into what the scale will read from day to day, what you ate, how much water your drinking, did you just workout, did you miss a workout, the point is that number can be incredibly skewed from day to day and it will rarely tell you the whole story.


Firstly, what makes up the number you see on the scale. If I step on the scale and it reads 180 lbs I might think I need to drop 10 pounds because I usually feel and look better at 170 lbs, but what is making up that 180 lbs? To have a true understanding of what you really want your body weight goal to be, we need to know how much:

1. Body Fat we have on us
2. How much Lean Muscle Mass & Fat Mass we have on us.

If my only goal is to get down to 170lbs I could do it, just dust off some old wrestling techniques, ramp up the cardio, put a spin bike in the sauna, wear 3 sweatshirts in the gyms etc. Being much older and not much wiser I know that all I am doing is sacrificing muscle and water weight to hit that 170lb goal, which will leave my body fat mass the same, which will increase my body fat percentage. So, here’s the question, am I better at 170lbs and 25% Body Fat or at 180lb and 18% Body Fat?

3. Understanding muscle weighs more than fat

The scale can work against you, just because the scale goes up or stays the same doesn’t mean you are not getting results, if you are dropping body fat mass and gaining muscle, then your weight might not move but your body fat % will lower, which is what our real goal is. It is a numbers game but do not get caught up in the wrong part of the game. Which brings me to my final reason to stay away from the scale.


Do not let numbers define you. Success can be measured in terms other than the number on the scale. If you have a weight loss goal of 20 pounds in 6 weeks, and you lose 18, but along with that you dropped 5% body fat, are you a failure? Hell No! In 6 weeks, you have just managed to lose weight, lose fat mass and gain muscle, not bad and no failure. If you go into a weight loss challenge and not reached your goal weight, but you are sleeping better, you have lost 3 inches and clothes fit better, would you not be happy about that? The point is, we tend to be concerned with just that one number a scale gives us, opposed to celebrating what we have truly accomplished.

Remember the number on the scale does not define you, you are not just a number and your fitness goals and weight goals is not something you just want to sprint towards. Take the time and do it right, so you only must do it once. Building a healthy lifestyle is a much better way to reaching and staying at your goals, then going through 3-month cycles of goal weight and not goal weight.

If your a Business Professional, busy Parent, dedicated Super-Mom or Baby Boomer looking start exercising & want accountability our with our ONLINE Virtual Training Program, click HERE for me to Help get you started on 7 days FREE.

Happiness is a Decision, now go make it today! Attitude is Everything don’t forget that!Here is the text remember there is a link at the bottom where it says click HERE


Fat or muscle which one you want pure motivation fitness



Do not let numbers define you. Success can be measured in terms other than the number on the scale. If you have a weight loss goal of 20 pounds in 6 weeks, and you lose 18, but along with that you dropped 5% body fat, are you a failure? Hell No! In 6 weeks, you have just managed to lose weight, lose fat mass and gain muscle, not bad and no failure. If you go into a weight loss challenge and not reached your goal weight, but you are sleeping better, you have lost 3 inches and clothes fit better, would you not be happy about that? The point is, we tend to be concerned with just that one number a scale gives us, opposed to celebrating what we have truly accomplished.

Remember the number on the scale does not define you, you are not just a number and your fitness goals and weight goals is not something you just want to sprint towards. Take the time and do it right, so you only must do it once. Building a healthy lifestyle is a much better way to reaching and staying at your goals, then going through 3-month cycles of goal weight and not goal weight.

If your a Business Professional, busy Parent, dedicated Super-Mom or Baby Boomer looking start exercising & want accountability our with our ONLINE Virtual Training Program, click HERE for me to Help get you started on 7 days FREE.

Happiness is a Decision, now go make it today! Attitude is Everything don’t forget that!

Pure Motivational Fitness Fitness Tips

3 Easy Tips For Keeping Your New Years Resolutions

By Mindset
Pure Motivational Fitness Fitness Tips

With the Christmas holidays behind us and 2021 just beginning, it’s time to reassess our fitness goals and the way we view them. Statistics show that 85% of ALL new years resolutions wont last more than 3-4 weeks? Those stats suck, So Im here to share with you a few quick tips for building the habits necessary habits to stay on track to meet your fitness goals in 2021.

Don’t recognize your goals as resolutions, but instead as changes in lifestyle:
Roughly 92% of individuals don’t follow through with the resolutions they set. This is due in large part to creating an isolated choice that isn’t a part of a bigger context and that specialize in fixing negatives instead of building on strengths1. By creating short, medium, and long-term SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific) we are ready to better determine what success seems like relative to our fitness goals, while sticking to a concrete plan. Dont try to reinvent the wheel or add a massive goal that even Hercules cant achieve…Start off with weekly actionable Behaviour goals that you can accomplish and feel good about week after week.

For Example: Instead of saying you want to lose 5-10lbs of body fat in 1 month try saying, I want to set a goal of moving for 45min 4x week, I want to not eat junk or sweets after 6pm and I want to spend 10 min each night reviewing my goals for the next day. All of these are easy to achieve mini goals that will build over time.

Have a plan for healthy eating and exercising at home: Traveling is an inevitable part of many of our jobs and although any of us will not be able to travel as much as we did before, most of us either still work and have to commute, eat in the car or for some of you eat at home with all the distractions and temptations right next to you or that kitchen pantry. By hitting making the grocery part and food prep a routine now on specific days of the week to organize as many meals as possible for the next few days or by making sure you don’t just eat when you feel hungry and actually prepare something for yourself potentially will save yourself from consuming hundreds of excess daily calories. Dont forget just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean that its going to be easier to eat clean meals. Avoid the temptation or habit of you hitting the pantries for foods that are comfort for you.

For Example: Instead of trying to master the art of meal prep or cooking, try to say “im going to make sure each meal I eat is either prepared by me, was purchased at a healthy place (vs junk or fast food) and there is min 2cups of veggies on each plate”.

Write down your goals, and share them with others:
I know you’ve heard me say this a million times… But sharing your goals with others causes you to more likely to accomplish your goals because it adds a further layer of accountability. Don’t go in it alone… have a buddy!: Having an accountability buddy to assist each other stay the straight and narrow is one among the foremost beneficial support systems towards achieving success. This could include having a workout partner or challenging a lover or coach to ascertain who can earn more myzone MEPs during a month, burn the very best calories, attend the most PMF online workouts, or any number of other tangible measures of success. Regardless, you don’t have to do it alone!

For Example: Using your cell phone, enter in 4 daily reminders that remind you of your monthly goals, tell 3 friends you trust or share them on your social media channel or ask your spouse of parent to check in with you every Friday morning to see how your doing with your fitness goals. Its that easy
All of these 3 tips provided can be applied to your personal and professional goals in order to enjoy success. At the end of the day, it all comes down to setting practical goals that are not only quantifiable, but also achieved with the help of others through the execution of a detail-oriented plan.

Dont let 2021 be another year of let down due to the Corona Virus or any other issues in your life, take action, take charge of your life and make it be exactly what you envision it to be! Attitude is everything