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Reset Your Mindset

10 Things You Need To Do To Reset Your Mindset! (Part 2 Of 2)

By Mindset
Reset Your Mindset

how are you? Its Sunday and I hope you enjoyed my 1st five ways to reset your mindset!  Here are the next 5, have a great day and remember to share this with anyone you know that can benefit from these amazing ways by one of my favourite coaches Craig Ballantyne 


·     We have come from hard times or some of us have struggled and still struggle with adversity.  Some of you reading this may have a struggling marriage, challenging health complications, drug abuse or a family member suffering from addiction. I came from a dysfunctional family upbringing but never let that get to me or poison my mindset and what I’m grateful for. We all need to be grateful for what we have, for who we have around us, for the ability to be able to wake up each day, live in North America and be able to do anything we want in this life you need have an attitude of gratitude.

·     It’s our duty to help others.


·      Two environment’s here ok! (if your driving please don’t do this) But take your hands stretch them out wide and turn to your left then to your right.   Whatever is within arm’s reach is within your LOCAL ENVIROMENT for this exercise. What’s within arms reach? Your phone your computer, chocolate covered almonds?  A soda drink or a bottle of water, the converter to watch Netflix or your favourite book? What’s within your local environment within reach will dictate your local behaviour. Your phone will buzz or Facebook notifications will take you away from doing a specific task you wanted to do, junk food or alcohol will make you crave it to eat or drink it and give you negative feelings of self-defeat. The more you have control over your local environment the more control you have over your life.  Every Day Your Local environment can define or destroy our daily performance.

·      What’s within Your Bigger Environment? Negativity, the people you hang around the placed you go to. Pretend for a moment you were able to be that high school guidance counsellor we all had ( I loved mine as he always told me I could do anything I wanted, as long as I paved the work needed for it), but pretend you could be outside of yourself for a moment and look at and speak to yourself about some of the bad habits you have and how they are affecting your life.  “You really think eating Doritos, cookies and ice cream 3-4nights per week is going to help you lose that excess stomach fat? Really, you think that having that 1, 2 or 3 drinks per night, at each business lunch meeting and that weekend party is going to help you get healthier or burn out your liver. Really, you think that complaining about how overweight you are or how much your lower back is hurting is going to do anything to make you better? Really, you think that lying to your trainer and saying that you’re trying to do everything you can to lose that unwanted stubborn body fat is going to do you right when you know deep down inside your only sabotaging your own goals and lying to yourself…Really? This is what happened to you now that you’re a grown up.  If your friends smoke, drink or eat poor foods you will do it too.  It’s Harvard Research and Stats proven and shows you’re the average of the 5 people you hang around with.  So if your around negative or bad people, places, bad habits or situations they will most likely become you too.  Block every negative person, place or social media thing that may make you negative or have anxiety


·      When you know what you want to achieve in life and say you commit to your path in life and you will be using the gifts that you have been given to succeed and commit to your path because of the type of person you are you will continue to destroy your excuses. If you had a tough day you don’t sleep in the next day, if you ate the wrong food yesterday you don’t go and tell yourself that your failed and might as well just binge all night or all week! If you got a poor result on an exam or mid term you don’t turn around and say the semester is pretty much done so I might as well not study for the next test because that’s creating false hope, false mindset and leads to poor personal leadership.  You need to be committed to that higher goals you set for yourself and practice moving closer each and every day with non-negotiables and guardrails pre-set so you don’t get taken off task.


·      You will have days when your spouse argues or leaves you, you will have days when things go bad, when you lose money in a venture, when your car breaks down in the middle of your drive to work when an employee leaves you hanging high and dry with no notice you need to show up to work , your home or situation as a leader.  Those are the days you need to show up and be your best, a great leader is always bringing their best even on their worst day.  Your mind must become anti-fragile. Your bones become stronger with stress on them.  When you exercise and squat with added weights you femur your hip bones your spine all become stronger.  When your born with an adversity, when you have a life altering challenge that brings you down you need to become anti-fragile and don’t take the path of least resistance and work on things that make you stronger every day.  Especially if you are born with no life altering or changing adversities that are now within your power to change.  There is no excuse why you shouldn’t and cannot be Anti-Fragile and become stronger due to pressure, adversity or challenges.  People with adversity Lean into rejection that life gives you and helps you become stronger every day.  Sean Stephenson, American therapist was born with a rare bone disease osteogenesis imperfecta which did not allow him to grow more than 3 feet tall due to super high fragile bones that would shatter each week and not allow for any growth. Went on to be a successful motivator, author business owner, and delivered speeches all around the world.


·      You are only as good as strong and as smart as you are until you get help, get coaching or get advice from someone stronger then you.  You cant lose 40lbs on your own because if you did you would have already done so, done it on your own and published a book on how easy it was to do.  You cant grow our double your business each year on your own or without help because if you did you would have done so and shown the world how amazing and effortless it was to do. So why do you not seek out or search to get help, mentorship or coaching from someone else who is doing what you want to do, from someone who has helped others lose that unwanted 40 lbs of bodyfat that is keeping you unhappy , unhealthy and frustrated every day.   If you remove your personal ego you don’t have to carry the added weight and stress of anxiety from not being able to solve the problems you or we face each day in our lives our business and personal relationships alone.  Having the guts to man up and say that its time to you or I hired a coach. When you suffer in silence the greater the anxiety you feel the greater the pressure builds up inside.

·      Set your ego aside and ask for help!  Whether its hiring a trainer to make you accountable to exercise, whether its joining a gym so you can be and train around others who want to lose weight just like you , whether its hiring a counselor to help you with your failing marriage or whether its hiring a business coach to help you break through your business or company plateaus there is no weakness in asking for help.  The more you take others problems on to you the more you destroy your own self power to succeed.

·      There is weakness in not asking for help , there is weakness when you suffer in silence because you do not know everything about everything in life.

 I hope you enjoyed this Sunday Mindset tip and if you did please share it with friends, family or co-workers or leave me a reply comment id love to learn what you thought of it. 


Dimitri Giankoulas
Exercise & Nutrition Coach

P.S. If you know of anyone struggling with their health and fitness let them book a fun and exciting Discovery Call with me: LETS SCHEDULE A “FITNESS DISCOVERY CALL

Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas



Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6

How to make mental connection

5 Key Components in Making the Mental Connection to Fitness Part 1 of 3

By Mindset
How to make mental connection

Have you ever struggled to “Mentally” be present at something in your life especially those things that you feel you are not doing so good at?

Have you ever battled with the “Mental” block that comes with a new promotion at work, a new client that your trying to help or a new deal your trying to close that you’ve been working on for months at work?

Being “Mentally Aware”, or as my wife Francesca says to me all the time being “Mentally Present” can be hard. Especially if you’re someone like me that always trying to conquer too much at a time or add a new goal or task to your already massive list each and every week.

Whats even more bizarre about the “Mental Component” to fitness is that you can be the first or second best team in the NBA like our Toronto Raptors ALL year and then when it comes to playing Milwaukee tonight, all of the mental strength our Raptors carried with them seems to fade away and losing becomes their reality!

When it comes to being Mentally Committed to Fitness there are 5 Key components that one must learn to master and because we love you all we wanted to share them with you during this amazing Victoria Day Long Weekend.

1. Goal Setting starts on paper:

Nothing in life is more powerful, more productive and more successful than writing down your goals so you can physically see them. You cant achieve a goal you cant actually see is a great line that pretty much sums it up.

According to a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write down their goals.

If anyone has ever tried to set Fitness goals and not write them down has soon quickly realized that not being able to physically see it each day lessons your ability to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish.

ACTION TIP: Tonight take action and take a 8.5×11 plain sheet of paper and write down 3 Big scary goals you wish you could achieve with your health and fitness and tape it to your bathroom vanity mirror. Yes your wife or husband may want to giggle at you or make fun of you of its like my wife double check to see that you never used the wrong tape that would smudge the mirror, but being able to wake up and visually see your handwriting each day and visually see the emotion you poured out onto paper will help reinforce the core identity you are trying to empower and be true to. In the end if we all dont believe in ourselves NO TRAINER, NO COACH CAN HELP.

Below is an example of what we will be using for our 60 Day Summer Shape Up Challenge and an example of what I used when I was competing to help me clearly define my goals and see them on paper.

Writing your goals down is more about passion and meaning vs just setting targets you’re want to try and achieve.

Try printing out this Goal sheet and see if it gets you thinking more clearer and with more clarity. Casually saying to a fitness coach “I want to lose this stomach” or “I want to lose 25-30 lbs this year” is a massive goal if you have not been eating and exercising in the past year or more. And just saying it isn’t enough.

TAKE ACTION, BE CONFIDENT IN WHAT YOU TRULY WANT TO ACHIEVE IN FITNESS and make it come from the heart not just from what you physically want to achieve.

Have a fantastic evening, and safe long weekend and try to take the time to think about what specific goals you want to write down and stick on your bathroom vanity mirror.

**Copy and save this**

How to make mental connection

PAIN VS. PLEASURE -“The 5 Key Components in Making the Mental Connection to Fitness” Part 2 of 3

By Mindset
How to make mental connection

Good Morning,

How are you champ?

The long weekend has come and gone and we hope you all had a great time enjoying this extra stretch of time to be with loved ones, family, friends and to be able to rest and recover!

I had a great weekend which started off with being SUPER PUMPED that the Raptors won their last game even though it took us till over 2 overtimes and had me on the edge of my seat.  Regardless of what anyone says, we are the only Canadian team in the NBA amongst all of our American friends and competitors and competing with a chance to win the playoffs  in Easter Conference Standings!

This weekend my wife and I started it off with an amazing outdoor jog and workout to get our minds cleared and enjoy the outdoors, we had the time to take our kids downtown and visit a slime making sale (great idea for entrepreneurs ages 7-10 years of age, visit Greek town for an amazing lunch and finished the evening coming home to watch a movie with our kids.

If you’re like me and took this weekend very slow, were a bit lazy and over ate you may be waking up this morning saying “Oh my goodness”, “I ate a lot of food, watched too much TV and now feel guilty!”.

For those of you who work out regularly, follow the 80/20 rule of eating (80% of the time its healthy, clean and based on your body types macronutrient mix & 20 % of the time its fun food) you won’t have any regret at all because long weekends, holidays and special occasions or events are meant to “Enjoy” and eat the soul foods that make us feel happy.

For those of you who don’t workout regularly, don’t follow ANY rules or eating programs (regimen) your may be feeling guilty this morning, feeling sluggish from not moving at all and feeling heavier (check your scale if you can) because you over ate and did so with no intention of keeping track!

Its hard to always be perfect and on point, and if your juggling a business, travel for work, taking the kids to practice every night, dealing with housework, lunches, homework assignments and the regular routine of juggling a family or work life balance it can be hard to be perfect when it comes to long weekends and getting started or serious about a fitness program,  especially when you have been so used to being sedentary, or not active.

This brings me to the 2nd of 5 Key Components in Making the Mental Connection to Fitness that id like to share with you and I hope after reading this you will be able to take some of this info and carry it as arsenal to help arm you with confidence, motivation and a more positive outlook for anything or any challenge you may face in your day to day life!


#2 Pain vs. Pleasure Theory

Why do some of us work overtime hours, why do some of us become entrepreneurs when clearly we know that we will have to be working more hours, working 7 days a week and sometimes will make less money or have less stable, less secure careers only to say that we are self employed?

Why so some of us go to bed early, so we can wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready to work out or drive to the gym? Why do some of us push ourselves past our comfort zones and hire a coach who we know will make us work harder, sweat more, push beyond our normal comfort zones each and every workout let alone have to pay $70 -$100 per hour just to help us exercise when we can always do it by ourselves?

Why do we often put things in our body like, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, excess sugar, fast food or processed food when we know deep down inside its not the best thing for us?

We all save money or spend it, we all watch our diets or don’t and we all take the time to take care of ourselves and our health or we don’t because of two words that for centuries have managed to control our human thought process and behavior…Pain and Pleasure.

Rule #1: All Human Choices & Behaviour are made to Avoid Pain or Gain Pleasure 

When it comes to motivation and why people do the things that they do, it comes down the simple science of pain versus pleasure.  In its simplest form, all decisions that human beings make are to either gain pleasure or to avoid pain. Any act can be broken down this way.  Why do you brush your teeth? Why would a woman spend precious time applying makeup, and teasing her hair before going out?  Why would anyone go to the gym daily, exercise and place their body under so much stress? All of these actions can be sliced down to an individual trying to attain pleasure and/or avoid the pain that an action is going to bring. It’s all pain and pleasure.

Rule #2: We all will Pay Attention and Do so Much More to Avoid Pain than they Will to Gain Pleasure!

No matter how you see it or want to admit it, all human beings want to both avoid pain and gain pleasure at the same time; its like a double edged sword,  they will do more for one than the other.  Procrastinating something scary or avoiding immediate pain is much more motivating than gaining immediate pleasure.  If there is a tiger chasing after you versus a suitcase full of money in front of you, which would motivate the average person to act quickly? Avoiding a certain amount of immediate pain wins over gaining immediate pleasure every time. Studies have demonstrated time and time again that people will do much more to avoid short-term pain than they will to gain short-term pleasure.  Look at fitness, exercise and eating healthy; so many people know it’s the best thing for you, will extend your life expectancy by min 5-10 years yet almost 1/3 of North Americans are obese, continue to buy fast food, smoke cigarettes and not join gyms?

Rule #3: Awareness and Perception IS Reality!

It’s the perception of pain and pleasure, not actual pain and pleasure that drives people. At first, this concept might seem a bit strange but a quick inspection makes it seem rather obvious. Since we don’t really ever know for sure what the future will hold, our brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex within the frontal lobe of our brain, is constantly making assumptions and judgements about the future. It’s this perception of future pain and pleasure that drives our actions. Unfortunately, it turns out that our perceptions are often very flawed, especially when it comes to things that are a bit more complex than running away from a predator or falling from heights.

Rule #4: Pain and Pleasure are Controlled by Time

Not only are we trying to avoid what we perceive to be painful and get what we perceive to be pleasurable, but timing also matters. We are focused avoiding immediate pain and we are trying to attain immediate pleasure. The closer something is to this moment, the more pain or pleasure we attach to it. Therefore, pain tomorrow is not as powerful of a force as pain today. Pain in a decade is absolutely far less motivating (or demotivating) that pain a week from now. This is precisely why most human beings have such a hard time saving money even though you can receive interest and free money by delaying spending.

As time goes on, our perception of pain and pleasure changes. Every decision you make results in at least one or more of the following: short term pain, long term pain, short term pleasure or long term pleasure. Short term always wins over long term unless there is a substantial amount of pain or pleasure associated with the long term avoidance of pain or gain of pleasure involved. Pain, or the level of perceived pleasure decreases with time.

Rule #5: Emotion Beats Reason When Thinking of Pain and Pleasure

When we prepare to make a decision based on gaining pleasure or avoiding pain, there is also an emotional aspect to the decision and a logical or more intellectual aspect to it.  How many times have you looked at some chocolate or delicious dessert placed in front of you and you ate it despite the fact that  you knew intellectually that you should not have the ice cream because your on a diet, had too many or are trying to cut back on your waistline?  How many times have you worn a brand new pair of sneakers outside on a day were the weather was not the best knowing that they can get dirty, yet you still did and in the end they got dirty?  We have all been there. Logically, you shouldn’t have the dessert or wear those bright white sneakers out when it was cloudy but emotionally, you wanted the ice cream or wanted to feel great walking in our new sneakers. What wins? Intellect or emotions?

One ounce of emotion wins over two even three ounces of logic every time! The pain or pleasure related to our emotions is hard-wired in our brains to be much stronger because it’s the primitive part of our brain that tells us to act rather than think ahead to the future.  This also further explains the reason of pain and pleasure by time. When something is going to happen now, it’s much more likely to trigger an emotional response in us than something that is going to happen decades from now.

Rule #6: Survival vs. Desire in the Pleasure & Pain Principle

Lastly, anytime we are placed in a situation that is scary, unknown or can cause danger our survival response is activated and everything else essentially shuts down.  This notion can be explained by thinking that pain and pleasure can be further broken down into things that are hard-wired for survival and things that are mere wants.  It’s easy then, to understand, that if something triggers a survival response, such as running away from a someone trying to rob you, it is going to override just about every other desire in that moment. When most people hear this principle, however they assume that the survival instinct is naturally going to be the one that is trying to avoid pain but that doesn’t always work the way you would think.

The desire to consume sugar or other addictive foods is the perfect example of something that is absolutely hard-wired. If you love sweets and someone puts a dessert or pastry in front of you, you are naturally motivated to eat the cookie. On more than one occasion, we are able to use enough sense or thought process and future pain to stop ourselves but over 50% of the North American population loses that battle every single day! You are hard wired to eat sugar to stay alive and while processed foods are only 100 years old, our genetics are over 100,000 years old! From a survival perspective, the more food or calories, the better. Your brain thinks eating the sweets means survival and not eating it means death!

Connecting Pain and Pleasure Principles Together:

The pain and pleasure principle is much more complicated than we would think. Many of us know that we are motivated to avoid pain and to gain pleasure, however, factors like, time, emotion, logic and survival versus desire all create a complex personal formula which influences us to act.

1.   We want to avoid pain and to gain pleasure

2.   What we want more is to avoid pain, even if we won’t get pleasure

3.   But we don’t know what is actually going to cause pain or pleasure so we have to rely on what we perceive to be painful or pleasurable

4.   Then the clock takes over and we focus on now rather than later and immediate pain or pleasure become magnified

5.   If for any reason emotion enters the equation, that element gets much more magnified, regardless of the type or reason

6.   Finally, if anything triggers our survival response, all else goes out the window because we are hard-wired to survive.

Putting The Pain and Pleasure Principle to Use in Your Life:

Everyone has specific formulas for what works for them. How can you use these rules to influence and motivate yourself to do the things that you want and need to do? For one, knowledge is power. Use the rules of the pain and pleasure principle to your advantage. In addition, think about what works for you. Knowing that your brain is focused on this moment, come up with ways of making future pain seem more real now.

Hope you enjoyed this email and it was helpful for you! If your looking to get help and get started on a fitness program with assistance, motivation and guidance, join our 60 Day Summer Shape Up Challenge and watch how easy it is to get results, learn new nutrition habits and be motivated before the summer hits with your new improved body.

To Learn more or join Click Here!

Have an amazing day your coach,

Dimitri Giankoulas

How to make mental connection

THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION – “The 5 Key Components in Making the Mental Connection to Fitness” Part 3 of 3

By Mindset
How to make mental connection

how are you champ!

Im pumped and excited to take our 60 Day Summer Challenge Members with us for a ride and journey this month and wanted to share the 3rd Component of 5 in Making the Mental Connection to Fitness!

If  you like todays email please leave us a comment, review or tag us on our:
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The Power of Visualization

60 days fitness challengs

The Power 10 Reasons of Visualization

1.    It improves your performance. Professional athletes—everyone from golfer Tiger Woods to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was a weightlifter before he became an actor—have practiced visualization techniques for decades, but politicians, surgeons, musicians, and business executives to improve their performance also use mental imagery. New York City psychologist Daniel Kadish says, “Everyone can use imagery to prepare for all kinds of situations, including public presentations and difficult interactions.”

2.    It helps you reach your potential. While imagining that you can run a 10K won’t actually   make you physically capable of doing it, full sensory visualization can help you reach your potential and clearly define new goals.

3.   It reduces stress. Similar to meditation, visualization is a form of relaxation. The simple act of picturing yourself happily putting on tennis shoes, strapping on your helmet, hopping on your bike, and going wine tasting by bike through France will instantly quiet your mind.

4.   It brings joy into your life. When my friend was angry at work, thinking about the beach made her happy. While she wasn’t actually on the beach, imagining herself in that moment—the ocean breeze blowing through her hair, the hot sand under her toes, a cold beer in her hand—brought her joy.

5.   It increases focus. Anytime you’re sitting quietly and simply being one with yourself, you are improving your ability to focus. Why? Because you are no longer bound by the restrictions of your day.

6.   It can spark inspiration. Constantly thinking about writing that book will increase your chances of actually doing it. The visuals could inspire a storyline that forces you to take action.

7.   It boosts confidence. As you imagine yourself doing the things you want to do, you naturally begin to be more confident and believe you are capable of achieving them.

8.    If you’re sick, it can make you better faster. It sounds crazy, but if you visualize your body rebuilding itself, it will begin to respond. Sort of in the same way that a hypochondriac convinces himself that he is sick, a positive mental imagery can improve your health.

9.    It makes you more creative. A good mental image is a detail-oriented picture that invigorates all the senses. What do you smell? What is the temperature outside? What does it taste like? The more vivid the visual, the stronger the results will be.

10.   It can help you overcome nervousness. If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming speech, visualize yourself giving the best most memorable speech ever. Imagine yourself in a great dress and everyone applauding after you’re done. Visualization is a safe and easy way to combat nerves and anxiety.


Have a great day!  If you are a Busy Business Professional, Parent, Supermom or Baby Boomers seeking to make the transition into a fitness and nutrition program or know of someone who is send them this link and we can transform their lives in 60 Days!

Till next time remember your ATTITUDE Is Everything!



We ALL have that person in our lives that REALLY needs to be more fit, lose unwanted and dangerous visceral fat & get started on a fitness program if its been advised by their Doctor, their peers or you!  But getting them to start can be challenging and often awkward to bring up!
So why not send them a FREE 1.5h Fitness Assessment session with one of our staff and help make that first step easy by clicking here.


I’d love to help fast track your Anatomy knowledge and teach you how to “Eat Right, Train Right for your Body Type” by having you download our FREE “Body-Type”E-Book by clicking here: https://www.puremotivationfitness.com


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas


Public speaking is my passion and favourite thing to do.   PMF has been providing educational and empowering “Lunch & Learn” seminars to both small & large corporations in the GTA for over 10 years and we guarantee to make your staff more educated, more confident and learn to perform our secret 5 seated desk stretches throughout their day that elevates neck & back pain and encourages perfect posture.  To determine what exactly you would like us to help your organization with click here to book a 15min call: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas

5 Steps To Improving Productivity after a Long Weekend

5-Steps To Improving Productivity after a Long Weekend

By Mindset
5 Steps To Improving Productivity after a Long Weekend

Yesterday, (if you live in Canada) we celebrated 152 years of being Canadian and enjoyed the addition of having one more day off (Monday) to enjoy with friends and family!

Every long weekend comes and goes with either great joy, fun stories to share with friends and co-workers of what you did over the weekend and for some, brings  added stress, anxiety and fear that you are now 1 day shorter for the week and have a lot to catch up on!

And since that was on my mind today, I thought I’d share the simple, 5 step formula I follow for enhanced productivity that Ive learned from a mentor that have helped me have clarity, and focus, vs being stressed or reactive all week…so here you go.

See, success starts with a framework – not a brain dump. So first we must decide…

Step 1. What’s important.

This is the filter that all of your decisions go through.

If something does fit who you are or what you’re ‘about’…then it doesn’t get your time or attention. So decide what’s important to you. Maybe it’s your:

  • Family
  • Business
  • Fitness
  • Faith

Determine what’s important to you before you go to step 2 and write down exactly what you need to focus on for this week or month.

Step 2. What’s success look like to you.

What does your ideal business look like? What would a successful work / life look like?  What would a perfect week of fitness and nutrition look like to you?  You need to know where you’re going if you want to get there.  So jot down a list of the Big Domino Goals you want to achieve even if you’re not sure of how to do so and then from there you can create micro goals to accompany them.

Step 3. Map the first leg of the journey.

This is your next 7-30 days. The map from where you are today to where you want to go.

Here you can determine what can be done in that time frame realistically. Set goals for foods , people, emotions, assignments or even clients you want to be with, be around or associate with and which you want to avoid.   Be clear on what you want to accomplish vs just have a lot of goals all scattered in a month.

Step 4. Plan your week.

Now you just decide what you’ll be doing this week to move toward your goals a few steps by week’s end.

But this is where people start to get hung up…

If you’re like most business owners, you over-schedule or you just react to what comes up.  If your like most people trying to stay fit or stick to a fitness program your often trying to book your workouts into your week vs. the other way around.

If You don’t allocate enough time to get things done they won’t just happen!

So commit to this:

If something matters…schedule more than enough time to get it done.

Step 5. Win the day.

Every day is an opportunity to feel successful…or feel stressed.

A chance to win…or lose ground.  You decide.

So every day you should be taking some small steps to move toward what you define as success.

And if something isn’t one of those steps and it’s not fundamental to the day to day responsibilities that you have…then it should fall WAY down the list of what deserves your time and attention.

Work through these five steps and you’ve got the 20% that creates the 80% of productivity success.

It helps you get past being busy and actually getting the meaningful things done.

Now, it’s beyond the scope of what I can cover in an email to work through all the details and provide examples of how to navigate real life scenarios, but hopefully you get the picture.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Dimitri Giankoulas
Pure Motivation Fitness


Fitness, Personal Training & Nutrition Counselling is my life’s work!  I was born to Motivate, Educate & Inspire so lets help you book a 15min Fitness Discovery Call (or if your really serious and want to fast track) a Fitness Assessment so we can help you solve any Exercise, Nutrition or Motivation problems you may be having by clicking here: https://go.oncehub.com/DimitriGiankoulas


Unsubscribe |Pure Motivation Fitness Studio | 1410 Major Mackenzie Drive Unit C1 , Vaughan, Ontario, L6A 4H6