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How to make mental connection

Have you ever struggled to “Mentally” be present at something in your life especially those things that you feel you are not doing so good at?

Have you ever battled with the “Mental” block that comes with a new promotion at work, a new client that your trying to help or a new deal your trying to close that you’ve been working on for months at work?

Being “Mentally Aware”, or as my wife Francesca says to me all the time being “Mentally Present” can be hard. Especially if you’re someone like me that always trying to conquer too much at a time or add a new goal or task to your already massive list each and every week.

Whats even more bizarre about the “Mental Component” to fitness is that you can be the first or second best team in the NBA like our Toronto Raptors ALL year and then when it comes to playing Milwaukee tonight, all of the mental strength our Raptors carried with them seems to fade away and losing becomes their reality!

When it comes to being Mentally Committed to Fitness there are 5 Key components that one must learn to master and because we love you all we wanted to share them with you during this amazing Victoria Day Long Weekend.

1. Goal Setting starts on paper:

Nothing in life is more powerful, more productive and more successful than writing down your goals so you can physically see them. You cant achieve a goal you cant actually see is a great line that pretty much sums it up.

According to a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University, those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not write down their goals.

If anyone has ever tried to set Fitness goals and not write them down has soon quickly realized that not being able to physically see it each day lessons your ability to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish.

ACTION TIP: Tonight take action and take a 8.5×11 plain sheet of paper and write down 3 Big scary goals you wish you could achieve with your health and fitness and tape it to your bathroom vanity mirror. Yes your wife or husband may want to giggle at you or make fun of you of its like my wife double check to see that you never used the wrong tape that would smudge the mirror, but being able to wake up and visually see your handwriting each day and visually see the emotion you poured out onto paper will help reinforce the core identity you are trying to empower and be true to. In the end if we all dont believe in ourselves NO TRAINER, NO COACH CAN HELP.

Below is an example of what we will be using for our 60 Day Summer Shape Up Challenge and an example of what I used when I was competing to help me clearly define my goals and see them on paper.

Writing your goals down is more about passion and meaning vs just setting targets you’re want to try and achieve.

Try printing out this Goal sheet and see if it gets you thinking more clearer and with more clarity. Casually saying to a fitness coach “I want to lose this stomach” or “I want to lose 25-30 lbs this year” is a massive goal if you have not been eating and exercising in the past year or more. And just saying it isn’t enough.

TAKE ACTION, BE CONFIDENT IN WHAT YOU TRULY WANT TO ACHIEVE IN FITNESS and make it come from the heart not just from what you physically want to achieve.

Have a fantastic evening, and safe long weekend and try to take the time to think about what specific goals you want to write down and stick on your bathroom vanity mirror.

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Dimitri Giankoulas

Fascinated since an early age by the potential of the human body, I have devoted my career and much of my private life to pushing beyond my own limits – and to lead others to personal health achievements greater than they thought possible. My level of commitment to each and every client is unparalleled in the industry. I try to bring energy, optimism, and pure motivational power to every one of his workout sessions. I have been in the fitness industry since 1997, working as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant, and ultimately Personal Training Director at various well-known gyms across the GTA. Combined I have over 11,000 hours of hands-on personal training experience.