We all won’t admit it but we all are fascinated by nature. If we say we are not we are lying through our teeth because as much as we are savvy techy type of homosapiens when it comes down to it we all love nature, and its all so evident when we go away , travel or have time in nature. We take pictures of nature, we tell our friends about how beautiful it is to be outdoors and see the green trees , flowers or hear the rush and roar of the beautiful blue ocean while away.
According Jenny Marchal at lifehack.com and other meditative professionals at Huffpost.com Water Induces Meditative States. Even simply observing the movement of water causes our minds to calm. This has numerous benefits for contributing to lowering depression, lowering stress levels, anxiety, and promotes better mental clarity and sleep patterns.
When we hear the crashing of waves by the ocean, see a quiet river stream run by or watch the baby blue bottom of a nearby pool, looking at water can actually put us into a mindful, mediative state. The sound of waves has been found to alter the brain’s wave patterns and invoking a meditative, relaxed state.
Water Invokes Inspiration and Creativity. When we’re near water, our brains switch off from busy mode to relaxed mode. This naturally leads our brains to open up because it’s not focused on the millions of thoughts swirling around that can often lead to stress or anxiety. When your brain is in this relaxed state, it is open more to inspired and creative thoughts. In essence, we are switching our brains off or giving it a rest from the norm causing a better mental environment for insight and introspection.
Water Gives Us A Sense of Awe. Awe is an important factor in the recently popular science of positive psychology. The emotion of awe contributes greatly to our happiness because it not only allows us to be in the present moment but it causes us to think about our place in the world around us invoking a feeling of being humble, feelings of a connection to something beyond ourselves and the pure vastness of nature.
Its not always easy to be by water or wake up to the beautiful Mediterranean sea like my cousin Dimitri (we have 7 of us with the same name in my family) does every day as he lives right on the beach but even if you can play running water or ocean breeze sounds from a free YouTube channel in your daily 5 min mediation it will do wonders for your stress level and calm you down.

Till Next Time have a great day!

Dimitri Giankoulas
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